Share Sounds. presented by Nick Peters related to Economics

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Genre: Economics
Strand: Share%20Sunday
Presenter: Nick Peters
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Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Automated Workforce

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Automated Workforce
Nick Peters is joined by Jessica Davis Pluess from global think tank, Business for Social Responsibility, about the possibility of an automated workforce, and what that would do for the jobs market.

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Advantages of Well-Off Parents

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Advantages of Well-Off Parents
Nick Peters hits the Shop Floor this week to talk to Duncan Exley, Executive Director of the Equality Trust about the massive advantage children of well-off parents enjoy compared with children of equal ability from less advantaged backgrounds.

Duncan Exley

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Resolution

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Resolution
Nick Peters talking to David Finch, Senior Economic Analyst at social policy think tank, the Resolution Foundation, about the research they have been doing about the UK's state of employment.

David Finch

Nick Peters

'Nudging' and how governments are using it to change the way we behave

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Juliette's Macro-Economic View

'Nudging' and how governments are using it to change the way we behave
Peter Ayton, Professor of Psychology and Behavioural Economics at City University London, discusses 'nudging' and how governments are using it to change the way we behave

Peter Ayton

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Living Wage

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Living Wage
The living wage has been a political hot topic recently and Nick has decided to find out more about if this is feasible and more importantly, what a national living wage could do to help the country. To discuss this issue with nick is Emma Kosmin, Program Manager from the Living Wage Foundation.

Emma Kosmin, Adam Memon

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: UK Productivity

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: UK Productivity
Nick Peters talks about productivity in the UK and how it's falling short. It is believed that this could be because of poor workplace management and relations. To discuss this with Nick is Adrian Wakeling, from ACAS.

Adrian Wakeling
