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Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Economic Dynamism across Generations

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Economic Dynamism across Generations
There's a real logic to maintaining economic dynamism throughout the broad span of adult life: our commentary today picks up on recent reports in The Times on the extent to which parents and grandparents help out, on the value of incentivising young people to build early experience in the workplace, and how fresh ideas and opportunities can bring new potential for those of more mature years. If you don't use it, you'll lose it, body and mind: and we shouldn't get too fixated on retirement! Background music: 'Everything Has a Beginning' by Joel Cummins

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Escaping the Comfort Zone in Lyons

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Escaping the Comfort Zone in Lyons
Adam Cox develops a metaphorical story into this intriguing episode: ambiguities that don't make sense but may fit together as a route to creating meaning and progress. Enigmatic? Possibly. Worth a listen? Definitely.

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Resurrection

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Resurrection
The climax of the Easter story, for those of a Christian persuasion, is resurrection: something which should concern us all, because we're all going to die one day — and this is about life after death. Drawing on reason and logic, and referencing great intellectual thinkers throughout history, Revd. Canon Rosie Harper contributes her thoughts to help you make sense of it all. Background music: 'Erev Shel Shoshanim' by E's Jammy Jams Image source: BBC Share Radio webpage for links & text

Rosie Harper

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: The Best Time to be Alive is Right Now

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: The Best Time to be Alive is Right Now
Adam Cox believes that the best time to be alive is right now. That's not just a statement of the psychologically obvious, but he feels there are more opportunities, more ways of doing positive things, and with less restrictions than at any time in human history. But it's also a psychological truism — if you think it's not the best time to be alive, you're onboarding regret and disappointment. So why not look on the bright side of life, and see if you share Adam's conviction?

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Social Anxiety

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Social Anxiety
Many people have no problem with social events involving people they know well — close friends or family — but struggle with events bringing them into contact with strangers. This episode is designed to help by mapping those feelings of confidence in the former situations into the latter, finding that equivalent sense of relaxation in unfamiliar settings.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Freedom from Judgement

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Freedom from Judgement
How do you respond to criticism? Do you rise to the challenge, or retreat into your shell? Does it undermine your eloquence and creativity to be challenged by others? Many successful people are aware of this 'Achilles Heel', and this episode is designed to help tackle such a potential loss of confidence: by removing belief systems that tell you you're not good enough and leave you searching for external validation, and by accessing your highly resourceful state more easily.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: The Palace of Safety and Security

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: The Palace of Safety and Security
Experiencing trauma during childhood or in adult life often results in people developing a coping strategy. This may involve retreating to 'survival mode', and it may be a dark place, providing little solace. In this episode, Adam explores how to turn that experience into a place of possibility which can dispel anxiety or those feelings of being unsafe.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Hypnosis to Eliminate Chocolate Cravings

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Hypnosis to Eliminate Chocolate Cravings
At first sight this might appear a good episode to hear during Lent, as we deny ourselves these pleasures in anticipation of gorging on them over Easter. However it brings a rather different message — setting a longer-term perspective by looking ahead for the benefits. By denying ourselves short-term but damaging desires by focusing on long-term good outcomes, this process of investing for the future can bring real dividends in the long run.

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Martin Grieder on New Data on the UK's Hearing Struggles

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Martin Grieder on New Data on the UK's Hearing Struggles
Adam Cox is joined by Martin Grieder, hearing and MedTech expert from Sonova, to discuss new research that suggests one in three of us between the ages of 45 & 70 struggle to hear in busy spaces. They look at why there is still such a stigma around hearing devices, and what people can do to help. All Headphones for Hearing Support | Sennheiser (

Martin Grieder

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Male Headship and Putin

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Male Headship and Putin
Putin's two-hour monologue in Moscow last week sought to justify his assault on Ukraine with a raft of dogma, including a presumption of divine male headship — hardly the basis for economic and social justice for all. Elitist theories, whether based on gender, race or nationality, have no place in an egalitarian, peaceful world: it is men, not women, who start wars and fill the prisons. Likewise, Churches should not allow themselves to be drawn into defending masculinity in the nature of God. Background music: 'A Fool's Theme' by Brian Bolger Also: view
