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Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Where would YOU put money for five years?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Where would YOU put money for five years?
Many people may be feeling in a state of financial flux at the moment and wondering where to put their money, and it's not an easy choice. Savings rates have improved, gold is holding steady, but property prices are slipping and stocks are sticky. That's just some of the myriad of options Britons are contemplating right now, alongside other areas such as overpaying the mortgage or saving for retirement. So, where would you put your money for the next five years? That’s the question the This is Money team put to the experts – and our readers – with a mixed response. Georgie Frost, Simon Lambert and Lee Boyce reveal what they told us, the results of a reader poll and how they’re grappling with these big financial decisions. Could unloved and cheap investment trusts be the answer? Simon runs the rule. Premium Bonds have been boosted again – Lee reveals why they are giving them a headache. And NS&I have boosted its green savings deal to 5.7%: is it a good deal now? Elsewhere, Ofgem has announced the new energy price cap for October 2023 will be £1,923. What does it mean for households – and why are many still facing higher bills this wint regardless? Loyal listeners may might remember predictions from a chap called Fred Harrison a few years ago, for a housing market crash in 2026: the British author and economic commentator identified the 18-year property cycle and believes it can accurately predict the next house price crash. But have today's inflation and high mortgage rates thrown the cycle off track? And property prices have become less expensive relative to average earnings, according to new data – but there’s a sting in the tail: higher mortgage rates mean homes are now LESS affordable. Finally, would you pay £25 million for a car?

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Have we turned the corner on high inflation or it could it bounce back?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Have we turned the corner on high inflation or it could it bounce back?
Inflation falling, wages rising, mortgage rates fall back a bit and fixed savings rates seem to be peaking at 6% - all without a recession (yet)! Is the oasis in sight, or is this a mirage? Georgie Frost, Simon Lambert and Helen Crane review the prospects looking forward. Also, Rishi Sunak vows to keep the 'triple lock' on pensions, but can we afford it?

Helen Crane

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Mortgage mayhem has stalled but what happens next?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Mortgage mayhem has stalled but what happens next?
After months of mortgage mayhem some better news finally arrived this week with major lenders delivering a slew of hefty rate cuts. Halifax, Nationwide, and NatWest have all delivered big chops to their home loans, with analysts saying that we may be past the moment of peak panic in the mortgage market. That’s the silver lining to a very dark cloud though, as mortgage rates are far higher than they have been in recent years and almost all of those whose fixes come up for renewal will face paying much more. So if this is the end of Mortgage Mayhem Part 2 (the uncalled for sequel to Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng’s original instalment), what happens next? Georgie Frost, Helen Crane and Simon Lambert survey the wreckage of the past few months and look at what could come next for mortgage rates and homeowners? With higher rates here for the foreseeable future, they also discuss what this means for people’s finances and how mortgage hikes are likely to eat most people’s pay rises and then some. Simon explains why after such a long period of stagnant real wages, this is a major problem. In cheerier news, Premium Bonds have had another big bump up in the prize rate, so are they now a no-brainer? (For those listening to the podcast and looking for it, here is the link to our Premium Bonds winning stats piece Simon mentions: Plus, what is the tale of good customer service that Simon has returned from holiday with? And finally — how did Helen go viral with an old carrier bag?

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Inflation eases to 7.9% - what does that mean for mortgage and savings rates?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Inflation eases to 7.9% - what does that mean for mortgage and savings rates?
Earlier in the week, the consumer prices index measure of inflation fell by more than expected thanks to a fall in transport and food prices. It eased to 7.9% in June, a bigger drop than expected, according to the Office for National Statistics. This was the lowest CPI rate since March 2022 when inflationary pressures began to amplify the headline figure. So what does that mean for the typical household and for potential future base rate rises? Lee Boyce, Sam Barker and Georgie Frost delve into CPI and what that means for mortgages and savers. And on the note of savers, two pieces of data this week point to a mixed picture for our financial resilience. On one hand, a survey suggests one in three people do not have enough savings for an emergency - and on the other, that a third of savers are earning 1% or less, and for some that's on five figure pots. If inflation does stay sticky, pensioners could see a big rise in in the state pension - if politicians keep the 'triple lock' pledge. Data suggests that by 2030, the annual state pension figure is likely to be between £13,000 and £14,000. Before you head off on holiday, we reveal the cruel new scams you need to know about. And… bitcoin to surge to $120,000 by the end of 2024 according to one major bank. How likely is that and why does one expert think it's nonsense.

Sam Barker

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Do you really want your pension invested in risky unlisted companies?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Do you really want your pension invested in risky unlisted companies?
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is looking for more risk to be taken in pensions - is this right? And should they not first sort out the estimated ten million errors in state pension records? Meanwhile one million people will be paying an additional £5,000 per annum on mortgage payments: could the Bank of England have done more? And finally - would Britain be safer if only women were allowed to drive?

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Steffan George on Rogue Locksmiths

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Steffan George on Rogue Locksmiths
Adam Cox is joined by Steffan George, who serves as the Managing Director of the Master Locksmith Association. Together, they delve into the concerning increase of rogue locksmiths, posing a threat to the security and financial well-being of British individuals. The discussion revolves around the complicity of search engines in enabling these unscrupulous locksmiths to advertise their services, ultimately leaving unsuspecting homeowners vulnerable. Steffan sheds light on the tell-tale signs of rogue locksmith advertisements, offering valuable insights into this pressing issue.

Steffan George

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Energy price cap falling and savings rates race past the 6% barrier

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Energy price cap falling and savings rates race past the 6% barrier
There has been plenty of doom and gloom in recent months – and today, we go searching for cheerier news. The energy price cap will fall from the weekend, plunging to £2,074 – below the £2,500 set Energy Price Guarantee from the Government. So, what should you be doing to prepare – and what does that mean for your usage? Will we soon see the return of fixed tariffs? Georgie Frost, Helen Crane and Lee Boyce discuss the new price cap, along with a sneaky move from a major energy supplier to stop quarterly billing. Mortgage rates are rising – that's not good news for homeowners coming up to remortgage. However, there is some good news… This is Money has a new Navigate the Mortgage Maze column written by L&C broker David Hollingworth. We reveal what the column is all about and details of the first one, which covers a question on many lips: how do I overpay and take advantage of a low fixed rate as much as possible? There has been a flurry of new saving deals, with the top rates now nudging past 6% – challenger banks are driving the rises, but even bigger banks are boosting some deals. Personalised licence plates on cars have surged in popularity – but why? And what makes one worth a five-figure sum? Can you live without sat nav, parking sensors, heated seats and a… CD player in your car? A new survey reveals the motoring gadgets we can't live without. We talk about the scammer turned good who is worried about AI and fraud. And what money stories did Helen bring back from her Glastonbury adventure?

Helen Crane

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Was hiking interest rates again the right move or is the Bank of England in panic mode?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Was hiking interest rates again the right move or is the Bank of England in panic mode?
The Bank of England’s bumper 0.5% rate hike this week was the 13th rise in a row. After sitting on their hands for more than a decade, ratesetters have been shaken out of their slumbers by an inflation storm. By historic standards 5% is not high for interest rates, but unfortunately for borrowers we also started from a historic low and have gone from 0.1% to here in just 18 months. The belated headlong rush into raising rates is also the exact opposite of what the Bank of England spent years assuring homeowners would happen: the party line used to be ‘gradual and limited’. The Bank is hiking rates to try to crush inflation but at the same time this affects a much smaller slice of homeowners than it once did and rapid rise in mortgage costs is crushing a generation of homeowners. So, was another rate rise a wise move? How bad is the pain for borrowers? Is this not a patch on the '80s, or just as bad? Has the Bank of England even given its rate rises long enough to take effect? On this rate rise special podcast, Georgie Frost, Lee Boyce and Simon Lambert tackle all that and more.

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Michael Voges on Integrated Retirement Communities

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Michael Voges on Integrated Retirement Communities
Adam Cox is joined by Michael Voges, Chief Executive of ARCO, to engage in a thought-provoking conversation centred around ARCO's latest research findings. This research sheds light on the remarkable levels of frustration experienced by older individuals in relation to their available housing options. Together, they explore the innovative concept of Integrated Retirement Communities (IRCs) and how they effectively bridge the gap between traditional care homes and in-home care for the elderly. Furthermore, they delve into ARCO's estimation of a substantial £1 billion saving in NHS and social care costs by implementing IRCs.

Michael Voges

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Mortgage mayhem, savings frenzy: What on earth is going on?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Mortgage mayhem, savings frenzy: What on earth is going on?
The mortgage market is mayhem, with lenders pulling deals and rapidly hiking rates. Average fixed mortgage rates have soared over the past month and we are now at the stage where it looks a lot like the panic after the mini-Budget. At the same time savings rates are going gangbusters and there is barely a day that passes without a new best buy. Meanwhile, UK gilt yields have also leapt, sending the UK’s borrowing costs even higher. What on earth is going on? Georgie Frost, Helen Crane and Simon Lambert dive in and try to explain why the sudden inflation-driven chaos has kicked off and what borrowers and savers can do. What should you do if you need a mortgage? Is this a prime time to grab a savings deal or should you wait for better rates? How does it compare to the double-digit rates days of the 1980s? What does this mean for the economy? Are we all doomed? Or will this pass? Listen to find out their views and get tips on how to sort your mortgage and savings.

Helen Crane
