Share Sounds. presented by Gavin Oldham

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Gavin Oldham

Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Child Trust Funds — Public Accounts Committee Hearing Part 1

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Child Trust Funds — Public Accounts Committee Hearing Part 1
Young adults with Child Trust Funds are personal investors, but over 40% of them don't know it. On Thursday 18th May the Public Accounts Committee met to find out more: this is the first half of their hearing following the March 2023 publication of a National Audit Office landmark report and its investigation into the Child Trust Fund scheme. Witnesses who took part were, for HM Revenue and Customs, Jim Harra and Emily Antcliffe, and for The Share Foundation, Gavin Oldham and Anthony Walker. Members of the Public Accounts Committee (all MPs) who attended were Dame Meg Hillier (chair), Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (Deputy Chair), Olivia Blake, Flick Drummond, Peter Grant, Jill Mortimer and Nick Smith. The hearing ran for over an hour and a half: this is the first 48 minutes.

Gavin Oldham

Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Child Trust Funds — Public Accounts Committee Hearing Part 2

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Child Trust Funds — Public Accounts Committee Hearing Part 2
Young adults with Child Trust Funds are personal investors, but over 40% of them don't know it. On Thursday 18th May the Public Accounts Committee met to find out more: this is the second half of their hearing following the March 2023 publication of a National Audit Office landmark report and its investigation into the Child Trust Fund scheme. Witnesses who took part were, for HM Revenue and Customs, Jim Harra and Emily Antcliffe, and for The Share Foundation, Gavin Oldham and Anthony Walker. Members of the Public Accounts Committee (all MPs) who attended were Dame Meg Hillier (chair), Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (Deputy Chair), Olivia Blake, Flick Drummond, Peter Grant, Jill Mortimer and Nick Smith. The hearing ran for over an hour and a half: this is the second 48 minutes.

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Tip of the Iceberg

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Tip of the Iceberg
'Stop the boats' calls the UK Prime Minister, but there's no linking of his short-term strategy to the big global issues which are driving migration: conflict, poverty and climate change. That's why the Archbishop of Canterbury called for a new approach in the House of Lords last Wednesday, seeking to tackle the causes rather than just the symptoms, and calling for a long-term perspective to address these challenges. This episode contains his full speech in parliament. Background music: 'Freedom' by Dan Lebowitz

Archbishop of Canterbury (House of Lords)

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Democracy’s struggle with the long-term

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Democracy’s struggle with the long-term
Democracy is a great blessing, but it has a major Achilles Heel — it is not good at coping with all the long-term issues which are growing in number and importance. Trying to address long- and short-term issues together without specific definition will always handicap the former. That's why Princess Anne focused correctly on this challenge in her interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation — but monarchy can do little more than draw attention to the problem, which needs constitutional and political resolution. We propose a way forward out of this dilemma, suggesting how the United Kingdom can set a course for the democracies of the world to follow. Background music: 'Saving the World' by Aaron Kenny Image source: BBC Research, based on National Archives Federal Reserve Economic Data

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Reigning Forwards — or Reining Back?

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Reigning Forwards — or Reining Back?
As we progress through the pomp and splendour of the Coronation over the next few days, many will be asking themselves ‘what is the relevance of the monarchy in today's world?’. Will King Charles reign forward, spending the majority of his time travelling the world and building one human family in which discord can become a thing of the past? Or will he just rein back here in the United Kingdom, allowing parochial pressures for contraction to eclipse this wider opportunity? Background Music: 'World's Sunrise' by Jimena Contreras; image by Mark Tantrum -, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia

Maxi Maintzer

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Investing in Energy

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Investing in Energy
Dire warnings about the damage from climate change, plus the war in Ukraine, mean that we need to wean ourselves quickly off fossil fuels. However the investment markets are very slow in re-aligning opportunities in quoted investment markets: personal investors need to be able to invest in massive renewable energy projects such as Xlinks, but private equity and institutions have got in there first. We need a thorough overhaul of the investable energy sector to provide socially acceptable alternatives to fossil fuels. Background music: 'Boundless Energy' by Nate Blaze

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Understanding Stock Ownership

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Understanding Stock Ownership
The first SHARE conference in Cambridge last Friday provided much food for thought, and comments particularly drew attention to the need for widespread understanding of stock ownership if 'Stock for Data' is to take hold. In financial terms and because equity stock in companies is a surrogate for human enterprise, earnings from capital growth and dividends massively outperform bonds and cash over the long term; meanwhile stock owners have a key role in contributing to the governance of their companies, as employee shareownership has shown. All this needs straightforward and intelligible communication. Background music: 'Communicator' by Reed Mathis

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Economic Dynamism across Generations

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Economic Dynamism across Generations
There's a real logic to maintaining economic dynamism throughout the broad span of adult life: our commentary today picks up on recent reports in The Times on the extent to which parents and grandparents help out, on the value of incentivising young people to build early experience in the workplace, and how fresh ideas and opportunities can bring new potential for those of more mature years. If you don't use it, you'll lose it, body and mind: and we shouldn't get too fixated on retirement! Background music: 'Everything Has a Beginning' by Joel Cummins

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Resurrection

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Resurrection
The climax of the Easter story, for those of a Christian persuasion, is resurrection: something which should concern us all, because we're all going to die one day — and this is about life after death. Drawing on reason and logic, and referencing great intellectual thinkers throughout history, Revd. Canon Rosie Harper contributes her thoughts to help you make sense of it all. Background music: 'Erev Shel Shoshanim' by E's Jammy Jams Image source: BBC Share Radio webpage for links & text

Rosie Harper

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Customer Stock Ownership to the Rescue?

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Customer Stock Ownership to the Rescue?
At first sight the challenges facing TikTok and John Lewis appear very different. For the former, it's the risk of being denied access to much of the free world as regulators clamp down over concerns of it becoming a major security threat. For the latter, John Lewis's need to raise investment is threatening the partnership which staff and customers hold in such high regard. These very different problems could, however, both be solved by applying customer stock ownership — in TikTok's case, in return for the immense wealth creation made possible by data harvesting; in John Lewis's case, in return for that £2 billion which they urgently need to update their business model. In each case, disintermediation leading towards a more egalitarian form of capitalism. Background music: 'On Hold' by Silent Partner
