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Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: EU triggering Article 16 and the future of the union, vaccine progress & Trump's trial

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: EU triggering Article 16 and the future of the union, vaccine progress & Trump's trial
Political commentator Mike Indian looks at the EU triggering Article 16, temporarily creating a hard border in Ireland. He points out the serious problems with the NI Protocol and wonders whether, in the future, the Union will fragment. He takes a look at the progress of the vaccine rollout and argues that, as life returns to normal, there ought to be a serious examination of how UK public services function and whether they ought to be reorganised. He also discusses the PM's trip to Scotland and looks ahead to Donald Trump's Senate trial.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: The EU vaccine disaster, is Covid-19 a 1914 moment and Biden's first 100 days

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: The EU vaccine disaster, is Covid-19 a 1914 moment and Biden's first 100 days
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University asks how the EU has managed its vaccine rollout so badly and wonders what the ramifications could be. He looks at a recent article speculating that Covid-19 could be the equivalent of the start of the First World War in 1914 and that we might never return to the previous globalised system. And he asks what we can expect from President Joe Biden's first 100 days in the White House, both at home and in America's attitude towards China.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: America under Biden and should the UK be preparing for the next pandemic?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: America under Biden and should the UK be preparing for the next pandemic?
Political commentator Mike Indian looks at what we might expect in America under President Joe Biden. Will he be able to heal the massive divisions in the USA and what is the future for both political parties in the post-Trump era? With the UK's vaccine rollout proceeding apace, he considers whether more thought should be given to the little-discussed drawbacks of lockdown. He also wonders if the UK ought to prepare for tackling any future pandemics.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: The coming reckoning for social media, science in the pandemic & the Strong Horse Theory

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: The coming reckoning for social media, science in the pandemic & the Strong Horse Theory
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University believes a coming reckoning for social media will be accelerated by the events in America's Capitol Building. He asks what the pandemic tells us about the evolution of science and how Britain has improved its early poor performance in the response to Covid-19. And he looks at the significance of the Strong Horse Theory in Political Science, particularly with regard to Keir Starmer and Labour and possibly Donald Trump too.

Professor Tim Evans

Gavin Oldham

J F Kennedy Inauguration Speech January 1961

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

J F Kennedy Inauguration Speech January 1961
President John F. Kennedy's inauguration speech, 20 January 1961

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Capitol Hill rioting, the UK's new lockdown & actual Brexit

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Capitol Hill rioting, the UK's new lockdown & actual Brexit
Political commentator Mike Indian discusses the Capitol Hill rioters and asks what can possibly be done to defend the principles of democracy in America. As the UK is locked down for the third time since the pandemic started he wonders why more hard questions are not being asked about its efficacy and whether the right people are being prioritised for vaccination. And with the UK finally out of the EU, he looks at the details of the trade deal and what Britain managed to negotiate.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture New Year Special: Tim Evans in 2020 - Part Two

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture New Year Special: Tim Evans in 2020 - Part Two
In the second of two end-of-year Bigger Picture specials, we look back at some of topics discussed in 2020 by Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University. In one of his last discussions of the year, he wondered if a new, cultural Iron Curtain is splitting Europe into east and west. In other programmes, he mused on political psychology and the degrees of openness across the political spectrum, the Government's planning system reforms, whether China's Belt and Road Initiative is the success it is perceived to be and he lamented the loss of one of Britain's great thinkers.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: UN a proxy battleground, why UK is ideal trade partner for US & our obsession with spies

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: UN a proxy battleground, why UK is ideal trade partner for US & our obsession with spies
In his final live interview of 2020, Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University explains how we live in a world of ever-increasing information - rather than physical - warfare and how the United Nations Human Rights Council has become a proxy battleground for the world powers. He argues that the United Kingdom is an ideal trade partner for the United States, whatever its new President's views on Brexit. And, after the death of John Le Carré, he muses on the British obsession with spies from Bond to Smiley.

Professor Tim Evans

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Last-ditch Brexit talks, the Covid vaccine and prospects for the US

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Last-ditch Brexit talks, the Covid vaccine and prospects for the US
Political commentator Mike Indian discusses the progress of the last-ditch attempts to reach a Brexit agreement, asking who is responsible for the statemate. As the Covid vaccine begins its roll-out, he asks if 2021 shouldn't be seen as a chance to assess the way government, institutions and society works in the UK and make some big changes. And, picking perhaps an unlikely political Star of the Year, he looks across the Atlantic at what might happen when President Biden becomes the new occupant of The White House.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

The Bigger PIcture: Light at the end of the C-19 tunnel, Europe's new Iron Curtain & central banks' catastrophic failure

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger PIcture: Light at the end of the C-19 tunnel, Europe's new Iron Curtain & central banks' catastrophic failure
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University considers whether there is light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel or whether there's another - economic - tunnel just ahead that we're about to plunge into. He also asks if a new, cultural, Iron Curtain is descending on Europe, splitting the grouping into east and west. And he ponders whether the World's Central Banks' policies have set us up for a catastrophic fall.

Professor Tim Evans
