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Peter Urwin

Economist Questions: Work in the time of Coronavirus - Opportunities for Trade Unions in a post-COVID world?

Peter Urwin
Original Broadcast:

Economist Questions

Economist Questions: Work in the time of Coronavirus - Opportunities for Trade Unions in a post-COVID world?
The pandemic has necessitated a partnership approach across UK government, business and unions. This has drawn unions into the process of policy formulation, shining a new spotlight on their activities. Peter Urwin is joined by Professor of HRM and Employment Relations at Sheffield University Management School, Richard Saundry, who draws on a wealth of experience (including his first job in 1988 at NUM headquarters in Sheffield, and a career working with government, unions and employers) to discuss the role of unions in the past, present and future. Peter and Richard discuss how unions have done so far, and question whether any benefits to the union movement will persist beyond the pandemic – or whether it will simply return to an “us and them” scenario. Can unions build on this apparent volte-face, to reverse a decline in influence on the employment relationship?

Guest: Richard Saundry