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Simon Rose

Gadgets & Gizmos: Flying cars, butter made from air & uncannily recreating old stars' voices

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Gadgets and Gizmos

Gadgets & Gizmos: Flying cars, butter made from air & uncannily recreating old stars' voices
Steve Caplin explains how Elon Musk will be destroying the International Space Station. There's a flying car that's a cross between a go-kart and a helicopter, while another helicopter gives tours without a pilot. Renault cars will soon score your driving performance while Bill Gates is investing in a company that will make butter from air. Chinese scientists have grown human brain cells that can control robots. Text to speech can now bring to audio life stars from the past with uncanny reality. There's a new way of trying to prevent rhino poaching by making horns radioactive. And there are some impressive crowdfunded smart binoculars.

Guest: Steve Caplin