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Simon Rose

Gadgets & Gizmos: Underground nuclear power stations, water cremation & biohybrid computing

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Gadgets and Gizmos

Gadgets & Gizmos: Underground nuclear power stations, water cremation & biohybrid computing
Steve Caplin discusses the astronauts whose space stay of 8 days has turned into 8 months. Nuclear power could be safer if the power stations are buried one mile underground. Water cremation is coming to the UK soon. There's an e-ink computer which will work in sunlight – though not for very long. Italian scientists have a humanoid jetpack robot to rescue people on mountains – with a few drawbacks. Ultrasonic joining solves the problem of sticking wood and metal. And biohybrid computing, which already gives robots locusts' ears is now adapting fungi's mycelium root communication to electronics.

Guest: Steve Caplin