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Simon Rose

Gadgets & Gizmos: Wifi giant barbecue, bike touchscreen display & a mobile 1-bed flat in a box

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Gadgets and Gizmos

Gadgets & Gizmos: Wifi giant barbecue, bike touchscreen display & a mobile 1-bed flat in a box
From the world of tech, Steve Caplin talks about the perfect way to cook a boiled egg and a giant barbecue that is controlled by your mobile. There's a touchscreen display for a bicycle, a camper van for an eBike and a one-bedroom flat that fits into a trailer and can be set up by one person in an hour with all – or at least most – mod cons. Glasses are to have hearing aids built into them to reduce discomfort, an ePaper frame will display your photos on the wall and you will soon be able to touch up your old videos and Super-8 movies and massively improve them.

Guest: Steve Caplin