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Glen Goodman

May to publish Brexit strategy, TIME's Person of the Year, & more - with Chris Justham

Glen Goodman
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

May to publish Brexit strategy, TIME's Person of the Year, & more - with Chris Justham
Share Radio's Glen Goodman was joined on the line by Chris Justham, Relationship Manager at Seven Investment Management, for the biggest news shaping markets today. To begin with, Theresa May has announced she will publish her Brexit negotiating strategy before she activates Article 50, the trigger for Britain's departure from the EU - Glen and Chris discuss whether she'll deliver. They also tackle news that HSBC, Credit Agricole and JP Morgan Chase have been fined more than £400 million for their alleged participation in a cartel to manipulate a key European interest rate. And who is Time's Person of the Year? Tune in to find out.