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Motley Fool Money

Motley Fool Money: PayPal Turns Around (Slowly) (30/4)

Motley Fool Money
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Motley Fool Show

Motley Fool Money: PayPal Turns Around (Slowly) (30/4)
Alex Chriss is still early in his tenure as the CEO of PayPal, but the company’s turnaround is already showing green shoots. PayPal’s earnings and why a drop at a specialty insurance company could be a buying opportunity for investors. Then, 17 minutes in, what to do before you meet a financial advisor, and some questions to ask in an initial meeting. Companies discussed: PYPL, INTU, ZM, KNSL. Host - Ricky Mulvey; Guests - Matt Frankel, Alison Southwick, Robert Brokamp

Guests: Matt Frankel,Alison Southwick,Robert Brokamp