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Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: The General Election, Starmer at NATO & the future of Biden and the Tories

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: The General Election, Starmer at NATO & the future of Biden and the Tories
Political commentator Mike Indian analyses the General Election result, astonishing for its massive majority on a tiny vote share and the way it exposed the oddities of the UK election system, particularly with Reform getting more votes than the Libdems but just a fraction of their seats. With Sir Kier Starmer probably only having a brief honeymoon period, Mike hopes they will underpromise and overdeliver. With Starmer at the NATO summit, will Labour deliver the promised defence increase in this dangerous period? He explains why Joe Biden should step aside and looks at the future for the Tories, currently facing electoral irrelevance.

Guest: Mike Indian