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Simon Rose

The Business of Film: Kneecap, Blink Twice, The Crow, Widow Cliquot & Miller's Girl

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Business Of Film

The Business of Film: Kneecap, Blink Twice, The Crow, Widow Cliquot & Miller's Girl
James Cameron-Wilson reports on a bumper week of films, despite the box office take falling 17%. Kneecap, a mashup of A Hard Day's Night and Trainspotting is #5. Psychological thriller Blink Twice is #6. Written and directed by Zoe Kravitz and starring Channing Tatum, James felt that, though unsettling, he'd seen it all before. The supposed remake of The Crow at #8 was brilliantly made and disturbing but illogical. James both admired and hated it. Simon felt that Widow Cliquot at #24 was a wasted opportunity to explain the science behind champagne making. On Amazon Prime, James admired Miller's Girl, written & directed by Jade Halley Bartlett, a whipsmart movie about creative writing with wonderful dialogue.

Guest: James Cameron-Wilson