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Simon Rose

The fall in immigration of 91,000 is predicted for a 'mid range Brexit', what does this mean?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

The fall in immigration of 91,000 is predicted for a 'mid range Brexit', what does this mean?
Two issues which dominated the UK's Brexit referendum debate were immigration and the economy. But sharp falls in migration post Brexit could shrink GDP per capita by more than 3 percent. That's according to a report by NIESR fellow Jonathan Portes and NIESR research assistant Giuseppe Forte. The report, titled "The Economic Impact of Brexit-induced Reductions in Migration," found that a fall in total immigration of 91,000, would mean that GDP per capita would be 3.4% lower by 2030 than it would otherwise have been. To find out more about the report, Simon spoke to Jonathan Portes Senior Fellow at NIESR and co-author of the report.

Guest: Jonathan Portes