Dedicated Sign-in Partnerships

There's a simple monthly charge of £5,000 + VAT for the service, plus optional production charges as follows:

  • Audio podcasts – if prepared with a Share Premium presenter/editor:
    • up to 15 minutes: £400 + VAT
    • up to 30 minutes: £700 + VAT
  • Audio advertisements – if prepared at Share Premium:
    • up to 30 seconds: £250 + VAT
    • up to 1 minute: £400 + VAT

Please get in touch to explore what we can do together: 

Meanwhile the notes below provide an update of our progress since our major transformation over the past few years.

Update on our activities

Share Radio and Share Music broadcast from the United Kingdom. We are 100% online, accessible via , and our Share Radio UK IOS and Android apps.

All listeners are invited to sign in – just once - with an email address, so that we can make the service more relevant and personal. Normally there is a monthly subscription charge of £4.99, but this is waived for those introduced from our sponsoring partners. As a result of the sign-in we know who's listening and to what: something which is not possible under DAB transmission.

Our weekly newsletter goes out each Monday afternoon. It contains easy access podcast links to the week’s fresh programming, and editorial comment. If you’re not receiving it, please sign in for audio access – live or podcast - via our Share Radio website or apps: this is a newsletter worth receiving, and comes as an integral part of our service.

Share Radio is promoted on social media, and we welcome any opportunity to place a widget link on other websites.

Our own website is actively used and maintained, and includes both schedule and programme details. The podcast section, containing an archive of over 7,000 programmes, is in frequent use and attracts c. 29% of new sign ins.

Fresh programme content is really good: here's some samples - from Simon Rose – ‘The Bigger Picture’ (our political round-up), ‘The Week That Was and The Week Ahead’ (UK markets), ‘Gadgets and Gizmos’ and the ‘Business of Film’. Georgie Frost presents the ‘This Is Money’ show with their editor, Simon Lambert. We've also new programmes from Nigel Cassidy (‘Dealing with Divorce’) and Ed Bowsher (market comment), Jonathan Davis’s ‘Talking Money’ with fund managers, the Institute of Economic Affairs, Sue Dougan’s ‘Track Record’ and ‘Motley Fool’.

We provide news on the hour and half-hour: both general and business bulletins. The ads following these are set elsewhere, but we can introduce you to that wider radio audience if you're interested.

We've established an audiobook production agreement with Harriman House and launched our first audiobook ‘Superinvestors’, from which we are now streaming a chapter each week (of 20 in total), both to provide audio content and to encourage sales. Here's a link to the audio sampler and to Order Superinvestors. Please let us know if you'd like to produce an audiobook with us.