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Sue Dougan

The News Review with Ed Bowsher - 03/05/2016

Sue Dougan
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

The News Review with Ed Bowsher - 03/05/2016
Share Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher joins Sue Dougan in the studio to discuss the biggest finance stories of the last 24 hours. On the agenda today: Liberty House plans to submit a formal bid to buy Tata Steel's UK assets; There's a warning the so-called "bank of mum and dad" is being stretched to the brink; The charity Age UK is calling for banks to create age-friendly branches for less digitally aware older people; and finally, pregnant women and new mothers are said to be suffering increasing levels of unfair treatment at work.

Ed Bowsher

Sarah Pennells (1)

Ask Sarah: The Sharing Economy

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Ask Sarah

Ask Sarah: The Sharing Economy
These days, you can borrow or rent just about anything. Homes, cars, handbags, even pets! But how does it work, and what's important to think about when it comes to the fast growing sharing economy? Sarah Pennells is joined by Alex Stephany, a sharing economy expert, author of The Business of Sharing and Chief Executive of Just Park, Sam Stephens, the founder of Streetbank, and Tim Godwin, the Financial Director of Swishing Online, to help understand more about the sharing economy and to help answer some of your burning questions.

Alex Stephany, Sam Stephens, Tim Godwin

Sarah Pennells (1)

Women and Money: Moving In with a Partner

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Women & Money

Women and Money: Moving In with a Partner
An increasing number of people are choosing to live together, rather than get married or form a civil partnership. But, while it’s becoming more commonplace, the legal status of cohabiting couples remains something of a mystery to most of us. Sarah Pennells is joined in the studio by Mary Marvel of Advicenow and Law for Life, Paula Myers, a lawyer with Irwin Mitchell, and over the phone by Christine Webber, a writer, broadcaster and psychotherapist, to discuss the various different issues moving in with a partner can have, and how best to deal with them.

Mary Marvel, Paula Myers, Christine Webber

Sarah Pennells (1)

Young Money: The Rise of Interest Rates on Student Loans

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Young Money

Young Money: The Rise of Interest Rates on Student Loans
If you started university in England in September 2012 or later, you’ll come under the new tuition fees and student loan regime. That means you’re likely to have graduated with tens of thousands of pounds of debt. So how do you start to go about paying that back? Sarah Pennells is joined by our Young Money Champion, James Connington from the Telegraph’s Personal Finance Team, James Seymour from the Complete University Guide and Ani Bailey from NASMA, the National Association of Student Money Advisers, to share tips and advice on how to tackle rising interest rates on hefty student loans.

James Connington, James Seymour, Ani Bailey

Sarah Pennells (1)

Young Money: Pay Transparency

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Young Money

Young Money: Pay Transparency
Sarah Pennells is joined in the studio by our Young Money Champion, Rachael Healy, to talk about pay transparency, and how to know whether you're being paid a fair amount. To help discuss this and share tips, Sarah and Rachael are joined by Charles Cotton, a performance and reward adviser at the Charterd Institute of Personnel and Development, by DeeDee Doke, editor of Recruiter Magazine, and by Robin Williams of rwLaw.

Rachael Healy, Robin Williams, DeeDee Doke, Charles Cotton

Georgie Frost

Brexit on the Mind - The News Review with Ed Bowsher 18/04/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Brexit on the Mind - The News Review with Ed Bowsher 18/04/16
Kicking off the news of the week, Share Senior Ed Bowsher joins Georgie Frost in the studio to discuss Osborne's impending Brexit warning, to wonder where all the shoppers going from the high street have gone, and why so many Britons are living at home.

Ed Bowsher

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Cash vs electronic payment - which is favourite?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Cash vs electronic payment - which is favourite?
Mike Bowen, Business Development Director, Cash Centres at G4S, talks about the European Cash Report, that G4S has conducted, which analysed the use and future of cash verses electronic and internet payments. It's highlighted a widespread use of paper money across the EU, seemingly dismissing any claims of a demise, and Mike discusses the findings of the report.

Louise Cooper, Mike Bowen

Georgie Frost

Ed Bowsher on the News Review - Are we saying "tata" to steel, and "whatsapp" to encryption?

Georgie Frost
Ed Bowsher on the News Review - Are we saying "tata" to steel, and "whatsapp" to encryption?
Share Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher joins Georgie Frost in the studio to discuss the big money stories of the day. In the spotlight is the steel crisis rumbling on, of course. Other than that, are you comfortable with contactless payments? And good news for millennials, (and 1 billion other users), as instant messaging service WhatsApp unveils plans to encrypt all communication.

Ed Bowsher

Glen Thompsett

Share Daily - 04/04/2016

Glen Thompsett
Original Broadcast:

Share Daily

Share Daily - 04/04/2016
This is Share Daily, a look back at some highlights from Share Radio over the last 24 hours. It's your opportunity to catch up with the best of Share Radio , where we bring you news and views on stocks and shares, talk to successful entrepreneurs and offer advice which could make and saves you money. Today, Glenn Thompsett looks at the rolling Panama Papers scandal, a new initiative for flood-affected UK homes, and a new campaign aims to finally give female athletes their due.

Georgie Frost

Ed Bowsher on the News Review - Floods, Panama, and Groceries

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Ed Bowsher on the News Review - Floods, Panama, and Groceries
Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher joins Georgie in the studio to look at the massive Panama leaks, incoming flood protection, and our weekly grocery shop drops to its lowest level.

Ed Bowsher
