Share Sounds from Morning Money at 8:00 related to Charities/Community Action

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Genre: Charities/Community Action
Strand: Share Radio Evening Show
Programme: Morning Money at 8:00
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Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Will we soon live in an economy where everything is recycled?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 8:00

Morning Money: Will we soon live in an economy where everything is recycled?
The EU is dedicating itself to its recycling targets, including setting an "EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy" that establishes an ambitious programme of action. The 2016 ‘Resourcing The Future Conference’ is set to start in London and Matt Cox has been finding out more by speaking with David Maddison, Professor of Economics at the University of Birmingham.

Matt Cox, David Maddison

Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: Katherine Darling on the Co-operatives Fortnight

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 8:00

Morning Money: Katherine Darling on the Co-operatives Fortnight
Katherine Darling, Press and Communications Manager at Plunkett Foundation, joins Sandra Kilhof to discuss the Plunkett Foundation and the Co-operatives Fortnight.

Katherine Darling
