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Genre: Economics / Topic: Eurozone
Strand: Investment Perspectives
Programme: IEA show
Presenter: Kate Andrews
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Kate Andrews

IEA: Chequers, the next move

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Chequers, the next move
Ahead of the European Council summit in the Austrian City of Salzburg on the 20th of September, we ask what’s next for Brexit. Can the Government stick its beleaguered Chequers proposal? Could the UK take the Norway option whilst negotiating a more comprehensive Free Trade Agreement? To discuss these issues the IEA's Digital Manager Darren Grimes was joined by Stephen Booth of the Open Europe think tank. Stephen argues that Chequers is the only game in town because it’s the only deal that meets the EU’s tests, and because the Government simply does not have the numbers or political capital to move any further away from the EU through a Canada-style Free Trade Agreement. Also joining Darren is Victoria Hewson, Senior Counsel at the IEA’s Trade Unit. Victoria argues that the EU’s demand for backstop could lock the UK into the EU’s orbit in perpetuity. For Victoria, the prospect of a our future trading agreement being determined by parliamentary politics is why Brexiteers are so worried about Chequers. There’s a feeling that if we don’t seize the momentum, the pro-Remain majority within Parliament will win the day and the opportunities of an independent trade policy and regulatory autonomy will be lost. The pair give their analysis on what’s next, how we got here and how all roads lead to Ireland.

Stephen Booth, Victoria Hewson

Kate Andrews

IEA: Trade Talks and the Future of Business

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Trade Talks and the Future of Business
With power struggles within Parliament dominating the headlines, it’s all too easy to forget the bigger picture of our departure from the EU. Yet, with public consultations opening up about our first bilateral trade agreements, this debate is continuing – though perhaps not getting the attention it deserves. Today we’re joined by Shanker Singham, Director of the IEA’s International Trade and Competition Unit, and Senior Policy Analyst Dr Radomir Tylecote. They examine these consultations, what it could mean for business – and what the government should be doing to give firms more certainty and help them prepare for the future. Finally, they examine public opinion towards free trade. If recent polling is anything to go by, the public mood is decidedly anti-protectionist – just as it was in the 19th century, when free exchange triumphed over mercantilism in the battle of ideas.

Shanker Singham, Dr Radomir Tylecote

Kate Andrews

IEA: Brexit and the Future of Global Trade

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Brexit and the Future of Global Trade
Today we’re joined by the Advisory Board of our International Trade and Competition Unit, made up of world-renowned experts in trade policy – including Sir Lockwood Smith, John Weekes and Alan Oxley, who join us today, along with ITCU’s Director Shanker Singham. Interviewed by the IEA’s Madeline Grant, they give us a global view of Britain’s place in the world – and their prognosis of how our negotiations have progressed so far. They examine best practice in a range of different areas, including negotiating tactics, and discuss what an optimal free trade arrangement with the EU would look like. They also lay out some of the potential dangers and obstacles Britain may face in reaching this outcome. Finally, they consider how an independent Britain could advance the cause of free trade on the world stage.

Sir Lockwood Smith, John Weekes, Alan Oxley, Shanker Singham, Madeline Grant

Kate Andrews

IEA: Robocalypse Now?

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Robocalypse Now?
The advance of AI and robotics brings many challenges as well as huge opportunities – and public concern about changes in the labour market has been mounting in recent years. But is our pessimism justified? Len Shackleton - the IEA’s Editorial Fellow and author of a recent report into robotics and the future of work - speaks to Digital Officer Madeline Grant, and examines whether we might be overstating our predictions of widespread job loss. They also evaluate some of the policies currently being proposed by politicians in response to these emerging technologies.

Len Shackleton

Kate Andrews

IEA: The Future of Financial Services Post-Brexit

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: The Future of Financial Services Post-Brexit
Today we’re joined by the IEA’s Research Director Dr Jamie Whyte, and Catherine McBride, Senior Economist in the IEA’s International Trade and Competition Unit, who analyse the future of Britain’s financial services post-Brexit. Interviewed by the IEA’s Digital Officer Madeline Grant, the pair discuss to what extent Brexit will actually effect the vibrancy of Britain’s financial services, and what opportunities lie outside of European Union for the finance industries. Catherine and Jamie give particular focus to the fear-mongering, perpetuated by certain camps, around the future of financial services, arguing that the EU’s regulatory fixations have held the City of London back for years, and made it significantly harder for genuine competitors to enter the market.

Dr Jamie Whyte, Catherine McBride, Madeline Grant

Kate Andrews

IEA: Countdown, One Year Till Brexit

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Countdown, One Year Till Brexit
Exactly one year from today, Britain will officially quit the EU. But what do we know so far, and what happens next? Today joined by Julian Jessop, Head of the IEA’s Brexit Unit, and Shanker Singham, Director of the IEA’s new International Trade and Competition Unit. Interviewed by Digital Officer Madeline Grant, the pair answer some of the most pressing questions about Brexit – including what, if anything, we’ve managed to negotiate so far, how our economy has fared until now, the future of the Irish border, and whether there is any chance of Brexit being overturned.

Julian Jessop, Shanker Singham, Madeline Grant

Kate Andrews

IEA: Shanker Singham and the Politics of Trade

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Shanker Singham and the Politics of Trade
In the latest instalment of our podcast series, Live From Lord North Street, News Editor Kate Andrews discusses trade arrangements and customs unions post-Brexit with Shanker Singham, who is joining the IEA as the director of our new International Trade and Competition unit. The pair examine Theresa May’s recent speech – one of six in a series dubbed the ‘Road to Brexit’ – in which the PM set out five key tests with which to judge an eventual deal with the EU. They also examine the future of regulation outside of the European Union, and potential alternatives to full regulatory alignment.

Shanker Singham

Kate Andrews

IEA: Should Britain stay in the Customs Union?

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Should Britain stay in the Customs Union?
The question of whether Britain should stay in the EU’s customs union has dominated the news cycle recently – with the CBI and other high profile voices suggesting that remaining in the Customs Union would be consistent with Britain’s vote to Leave the EU. But would this be a political possibility? And would it be wise?We’re joined by Julian Jessop, the IEA’s Chief Economist and Head of the Brexit Unit, to give us update on these developments. Julian explains what the Customs Union is, how it differs from the Single Market, and explores some of the pros and cons of staying in it.

Julian Jessop

Kate Andrews

IEA: The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism
Left-wing movements in Britain, and further afield, are increasingly citing the Scandinavian or Nordic economic model as a desirable alternative to capitalism. But is Scandinavian socialism really all its cracked up to be? Today, Dr Steve Davies and Kate Andrews of the IEA put the Nordic model under the spotlight – and examine to what extent these countries are indeed socialist, or even ‘left wing’.

Dr Steve Davies

Kate Andrews

IEA: Will Planes Still Fly After Brexit?

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Will Planes Still Fly After Brexit?
What impact will Brexit have on British aviation and our ability to travel? That’s a question that’s been on many peoples’ lips recently, following warnings from the boss of Ryanair and other key industry figures, that flights between the UK and the EU could be grounded for months unless replacements for EU airline agreements are struck before Britain leaves the bloc. The IEA’s Chief Economist and head of the Brexit Unit, Julian Jessop, will weigh up the evidence, along with Digital Officer Madeline Grant, and decide whether these warnings stack up to reality.

Julian Jessop, Madeline Grant
