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Genre: Economics / Topic: Macro-Economics
Strand: Share Radio Breakfast
Programme: Share Radio Breakfast
Presenter: Nigel Cassidy
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Nigel Cassidy

How will the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Connect work and what opportunities might the link present?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

How will the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Connect work and what opportunities might the link present?
Almost a year late, investors in Hong Kong can now buy stocks on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. HK has long been a traditional gateway to the rest of mainland China. This Hong Kong-Shenzhen Connect, is an important milestone in further opening up the Chinese market. Shenzhen is Asia's busiest exchange with a monthly turnover of more than a trillion dollars. To look into this further, Paul Lynch, of Itarle, which is active on exchanges in the region, joined Share Radio Breakfast.

Sara Sjölin, Paul Lynch

Nigel Cassidy

15 years on: the collapse of Enron

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

15 years on: the collapse of Enron
On this day in 2001, the American energy giant Enron filed for bankruptcy. Enron took accounting fraud to a whole new level, and its demise even led to the disintegration of its accountants Arthur Andersen. Its collapse was the worst business failure in US corporate history to date. Matt Cox has been investigating the causes and consequences of the fall, and the lessons we’ve learnt over a decade and a half later.

Matt Cox

Nigel Cassidy

How has the natural gas market been affected by the Opec deal?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

How has the natural gas market been affected by the Opec deal?
Oil prices are sitting at their highest level in a year. For now, financial markets seem convinced the Opec cartel's new deal to limit global crude production will stick. Motoring organisations have already warned petrol prices may rise by 9p a litre, adding about £5 to the average cost of filling up a car. But what of Oil's cousin, natural gas. How has the market for that been affected? Matt Cox has been hearing from Edgar van der Meer, Senior Analyst at industry specialists NRG Expert.

Matt Cox, Edgar van der Meer

Nigel Cassidy

How much of a threat does Donald Trump pose to the Fed's independence?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

How much of a threat does Donald Trump pose to the Fed's independence?
Federal Reserve chief Janet Yellen has insisted she will serve her full term until 2018, despite criticism of her and Fed policy by president-elect Donald Trump. However, while Ms Yellen may be staying put, Fed-watchers fear the next President could still remake the organisation in his own image with vacancies on the FOMC board waiting to be filled. Robert Van Egghen spoke to editorial fellow at the Peterson Institute and former Federal Reserve correspondent at the Wall Street Journal, Pedro da Costa, to find out how much of a threat Trump poses to the Fed's independence.

Robert Van Egghen, Pedro da Costa

Nigel Cassidy

Ten days on: the investment themes seen since the US went to the polls

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Ten days on: the investment themes seen since the US went to the polls
It’s been ten days since US voters went to the polls. And it certainly turned the financial world upside down. We've already heard about the perils of kneejerk reactions among investors, and it’s also an opportunity for some in the market to drive product sales by devising investment "themes". But which should be followed? To help cut through the noise at the end of another eventful financial week, David Miller, Executive Director of Quilter Cheviot, joined Share Radio Breakfast.

Paul Sedgwick, David Miller

Nigel Cassidy

Share Radio Breakfast: What might the Post-Trump US economy start to look like next year?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Share Radio Breakfast: What might the Post-Trump US economy start to look like next year?
George Magnus, Senior Economic Adviser to UBS, joined Share Radio to talk about the US Election result. And his message is: brace yourselves! After the initial sell off, the trading world's reaction to the election of Donald Trump has been far from the market bloodbath many forecast. But George says the liberal global order represented by US-led institutions such as the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation is hanging in the balance.

Sara Sjölin, George Magnus

Nigel Cassidy

Share Radio Breakfast: It’s the world's biggest online shopping day of the year

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Share Radio Breakfast: It’s the world's biggest online shopping day of the year
Its China's Singles Day, also known as "bare sticks holiday". What began as an antidote to Valentine's Day has now become a spending fest, with Chinese consumers shelling out almost £6bn online last year. Matthew Crabbe is Director of Research in the Asia Pacific region for industry researchers Mintel. He told Share Radio that this year's singles day promises to put Black Friday in the shade.

Matthew Crabbe

Nigel Cassidy

Share Radio Breakfast: Scandal in South Korea – will their president quit?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Share Radio Breakfast: Scandal in South Korea – will their president quit?
Calls for South Korean president Park Geun-Hye to quit are growing. Mrs Park is accused of being part of a shadowy cult to which she passed classified information forcing major conglomerates to funnel billions of won to foundations run by her friend and former aide. The allegations have come at a bad time for Asia's fourth largest economy which is trying to reassure investors that growth remains on track following a slump in exports. Robert Van Egghen reports.

Robert Van Egghen
