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Ed Bowsher

The Big Call: What will happen in 2018

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

The Big Call

The Big Call: What will happen in 2018
Will markets carry on rising this year? Is Gold the best insurance policy against something going wrong? And how will the ETF industry evolve? Will ESG be the big theme of the year? Ed Bowsher finds out from James Butterfill of ETF Securities, Adam Laird of Lyxor, David Stevenson of ETFstream and John Davies of S&P Dow Jones.

James Butterfill, Adam Laird, David Stevenson, John Davies

Kate Andrews

IEA: Is Sterling Devaluation the Path to Prosperity?

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Is Sterling Devaluation the Path to Prosperity?
The Institute of Economic Affairs hosts a debate asking if economist and author John Mills has the solutions to the UK’s economic problems. At the heart of John’s plan is a proposal to lift the share of manufacturing and investment by engineering a substantial fall in the exchange rate. On the other side of the debate is the IEA’s chief economist Julian Jessop, arguing that deregulation and lower tax rates are the best way to stimulate economic growth. Both John and Julian join IEA news editor Kate Andrews for today’s podcast, as they go over the main points made during the debate, and go into further detail in areas of disagreement and consensus.

John Mills, Julian Jessop

Kate Andrews

IEA: What Is The Best Way To Measure Poverty in Britain?

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: What Is The Best Way To Measure Poverty in Britain?
What is the best way to measure poverty? Intuitively, this question might not seem necessary – surely, we know poverty when we see it. But while we can probably agree that the inhabitants of Victorian slums were in poverty, in many cases today things aren’t so clear cut. Our Chief Economist Julian Jessop examines this question in light of recent research from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, warning of rises in child and pensioner poverty.

Julian Jessop

Matthew Cook

Inside Business: Best from 2017

Matthew Cook
Original Broadcast:

Inside Business

Inside Business: Best from 2017
In this week’s episode of Inside Business, we will be rounding up all the best content from 2017. Featuring Lord Peter Hain of Neath who took HSBC accusations to the House of Lords; BBC World Service reporter Howard Mustoe; and Steve Keen, Professor of Economics at Kingston University and author of Debunking Economics.

Lord Peter Hain of Neath, Howard Mustoe, Steve Keen

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Twins in Business

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Twins in Business
Adam interviews two identical twin sisters, Raissa and Joyce de Haas, who founded the drinks company Double Dutch. In just a few years they have won awards, used innovative approaches into investment and have created surprising new flavours of drinks. They discuss the emotional power of flavours and the benefits of working with someone with identical genetics.

Joyce de Haas, Raissa de Haas

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Could personal debt cause another recession?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Could personal debt cause another recession?
Personal debt is at record levels with one in six of us at risk of a debt crisis. Credit cards, overdrafts and payday loans are propping up households across the country as wages continue to fall in real terms. And many people are struggling under the pressure of paying back what they owe. But what is the effect on the wider economy? And what should we do about it? Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is back with us this week and is joined by Sarah Lyall, NEF’s Social Policy Lead and special guest Dr Jo Michell, Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of the West of England.

Sarah Lyall, Dr Jo Michell

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Are the state pension's days numbered?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Are the state pension's days numbered?
Planning on relying on the state pension to keep you afloat in retirement? After listening to this week’s podcast, you might want to have a rethink. On this episode, presenter Georgie Frost, consumer affairs editor Lee Boyce and personal finance editor Rachel Rickard Straus discuss what’s in store for the state pension. Will it still be around when they come to retire? A report this week suggests something will have to change to make sure it is, whether that be everyone paying more in National Insurance, the retirement age rising again or a means-tested state pension. The team also discuss getting hold of our state pension forecasts – and if they’re at all reliable. And what about those who are already retired? The trio then discuss a growing trend of retirees extracting money from the value of their homes to pay off credit card debts.

Lee Boyce, Rachel Rickard Straus

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Can training your brain make you richer?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Can training your brain make you richer?
Could you train your brain to get richer? Behavioural economics tells us that we regularly behave irrationally – and nudge theory has been used by governments and organisations around the world to try to make us better people. But could you take matters into your own hands, tackle your own temptations and make yourself wealthier, or just happier? On this week’s podcast, Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce and Georgie Frost look at some tricks you can deploy – and whether you can actually turn that old chestnut about not spending money on coffee into hard cash in your bank account, pension or ISA. Also on this week’s show, we discuss why Britain is bottom of the world pension league and whether that is actually as bad as it seems.

Simon Lambert, Lee Boyc

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Tim Harford special - the things that created our economy

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Tim Harford special - the things that created our economy
Have you ever really thought about what it is that creates the modern economy? These are the things that surround us and we interact with, or depend on, everyday but rarely think about. From credit cards, to shipping containers, batteries and double-entry book-keeping, there are a lot of things that are more interesting than you may think. And for this special Christmas edition of the This is Money podcast we have a treat for you. Tim Harford, author of Fifty Things that Made the Modern Economy, presenter of the podcast of the same name, and Undercover Economist makes a guest appearance. He joins Simon Lambert, Rachel Rickard Straus and Georgie Frost in the studio to talk about what it is that shapes the world around us, why it matters, and how what are commonplace things now were dreamed up and then completely changed the way we live.

Simon Lambert, Rachel Rickard-Straus

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Will you get richer in 2018?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Will you get richer in 2018?
From savings rates, to property prices and the prospects for the UK economy, this week we take a look at what will (might) happen to our finances in 2018. Predictions – as we all know – are a mug’s game, but as it is the start of a new year, it’s time to have a look at what could happen in 2018 in the world of money. Inflation is forecast to subside, while interest rates are only tipped to rise very gently. That would be a boost to people’s finances if wage inflation can get back up above the rising cost of living. A further boon could come from savings rates, which it is suggested could continue to rise. In the property market, house prices are predicted to be flat across the UK, but that will mask a continuing divergence in fortunes between regional cities, where sales are buoyant, and London and the commuter belt, where the market has suffered. Elsewhere in the economy, car sales are falling, consumer borrowing is rising but at a slower pace, and there will continue to be worries we aren’t saving enough for retirement. That’s what’s meant to happen. But will it? Simon Lambert, Sarah Davidson and Georgie Frost gaze into their crystal balls.

Simon Lambert, Sarah Davidson
