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New Economics Foundation

NEF: Will selling off public land make the housing crisis worse?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Will selling off public land make the housing crisis worse?
The housing crisis is a hot topic at the moment. We often talk about who can buy, sell and rent houses – and how much they cost – but we rarely talk about the land beneath them. Lots of land in the UK is owned by the government and local authorities – public land. But a load of it is being sold off, from old hospitals to sites owned by the Ministry of Defence. The government says that we should sell it to developers to build houses on to deal with the housing shortage. But is that really happening? Is selling off our public land really helping to solve the housing crisis? This week host Ayeisha Thomas-Smith welcomes back NEF’s Subject Lead on Housing, Alice Martin, to talk us through these thorny questions. She’s joined by NEF researcher Duncan McCann and journalist and author Dawn Foster, both experts on the issues of housing and land.

Alice Martin, Duncan McCann, Dawn Foster

Jonathan Davis

Money Makers: Why have small cap stocks done so well this year?

Jonathan Davis
Original Broadcast:

Money Makers

Money Makers: Why have small cap stocks done so well this year?
In the latest Money Makers episode, Jonathan Davis talks to Dr Paul Jourdan, the CEO of Amati Global Investors, who run two small cap funds and an AIM portfolio service from their headquarters in Edinburgh. Since last speaking to Paul a year ago, his small cap fund has risen more than 35% and collected a number of new awards for its performance. Jonathan finds out how.

Dr Paul Jourdan

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Are diesel cars and bitcoin being demonised?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Are diesel cars and bitcoin being demonised?
Britain’s car industry is crying foul, as not a single new diesel car avoids the Budget tax hike because the test they have to pass hasn’t come in yet. Car makers claim that new diesels are fine, but can we believe them? Meanwhile, campaigners want extra taxes and a serious crackdown on diesel drivers, but it’s ended up with councils leading the way with a piece-meal approach. Who should we believe, has the drive to get rid of diesel gone too far, and is it employing bad science? This week, Simon Lambert, Tanya Jefferies and Georgie Frost drive into the murky world of diesel cars.

Simon Lambert, Tanya Jefferies

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Budget Special 2017

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Budget Special 2017
Chancellor Philip Hammond got out his red box again to let us know how the country’s finances are – or aren’t – holding up, and what the Government’s going to be doing with its money this year. Will the Chancellor’s proposals be enough to make our economy “fit for the future”? And with Brexit looming, is the Government doing enough to deal with the country’s economic problems? This week, NEF’s David Powell steps in for regular host Ayeisha Thomas-Smith. Dave is joined by Kate Bell, Head of Economic and Social Affairs at the Trades Union Congress, and Miatta Fahnbulleh, the new CEO of the New Economics Foundation.

David Powell, Kate Bell, Miatta Fahnbulleh

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Will the Budget help you (or anyone)?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Will the Budget help you (or anyone)?
This week, Simon Lambert, Rachel Rickard Straus and Georgie Frost pick apart the Budget to try to find out who the winners and losers will be. Philip Hammond pulled a George Osborne-sized rabbit from the hat at the end with the abolition of stamp duty for first-time buyers, but was that enough to make us to forget the gloomy economic news and the gags? On the plus side, the Budget brought an income tax cut for most, the promise of more homes being built, and no more stamp duty for most first-time buyers. On the negative side, economists say we are due another lost decade, Philip Hammond’s own financial watchdog said he would drive up house prices, and cough sweet jokes might be catching on.

Simon Lambert, Rachel Rickard-Straus

Kate Andrews

IEA: Will Planes Still Fly After Brexit?

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Will Planes Still Fly After Brexit?
What impact will Brexit have on British aviation and our ability to travel? That’s a question that’s been on many peoples’ lips recently, following warnings from the boss of Ryanair and other key industry figures, that flights between the UK and the EU could be grounded for months unless replacements for EU airline agreements are struck before Britain leaves the bloc. The IEA’s Chief Economist and head of the Brexit Unit, Julian Jessop, will weigh up the evidence, along with Digital Officer Madeline Grant, and decide whether these warnings stack up to reality.

Julian Jessop, Madeline Grant

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Will Brexit boost Britain's fishing industry?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Will Brexit boost Britain's fishing industry?
Pro-Brexit campaigners have argued leaving the EU means Britain can “take control” of its fisheries. But what does Brexit really mean for fishing communities and for the future of our fish stocks? This week, Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by Fernanda Balata, Senior Programme Lead for Coastal Economies at the New Economics Foundation, Griffin Carpenter, NEF Senior Researcher, and James Wilson, a mussel farmer in Bangor, North Wales.

Fernanda Balata, Griffin Carpenter, James Wilson, Ayeisha Thomas-Smith

Simon Rose

Budget Special: The Investment Outlook

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Budget 2017 Special

Budget Special: The Investment Outlook
What SHOULD the Budget have included? What is the current investment outlook, and will the Budget change anything? Simon Rose is joined by chairman of the Share Centre, Gavin Oldham; Tim Evans, professor of business and political economy at Middlesex University; and financial commentator Ed Bowsher.

Gavin Oldham, Ed Bowsher, Tim Evans

Simon Rose

Budget Special: Individual Measures

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Budget 2017 Special

Budget Special: Individual Measures
Housing: Can the Chancellor’s measures make much difference, particularly to those hoping to get onto the housing ladder? Simon Rose is joined by PWC’s senior economist, Andrew Sentance; Tim Evans, professor of business and political economy at Middlesex University; and financial commentator Ed Bowsher. The panel discusses what they think of the Chancellor’s other measures, including those aimed at young people.

Andrew Sentance, Tim Evans, Ed Bowsher

Simon Rose

Budget Special: The Economy

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Budget 2017 Special

Budget Special: The Economy
What is the current economic outlook for the UK, given the OBR’s more pessimistic outlook for growth and productivity? Simon Rose is joined by PWC’s senior economist, Andrew Sentance; Tim Evans, professor of business and political economy at Middlesex University; and financial commentator Ed Bowsher.

Tim Evans, Andrew Sentance, Ed Bowsher
