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Georgie Frost

Karyn Fleeting aka. Miss Thrifty tells us how to cut down costs and stay happy

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Karyn Fleeting aka. Miss Thrifty tells us how to cut down costs and stay happy
There are about 100 experts in the UK money blogger community, but who are the people behind the Twitter Handles? Share Radio's Sara Macham has been taking a look at Miss Thrifty of @Miss_Thrifty. Created by, Karyn Fleeting, Miss Thrifty is a woman on a mission. She lives in Greater Manchester says she never pays full price for anything, and insists saving money doesn't have to be miserable.

Karyn Fleeting

Georgie Frost

Personal finance blogger Andy Webb from Be Clever with Your cash explains how to cut down broadband bills

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Personal finance blogger Andy Webb from Be Clever with Your cash explains how to cut down broadband bills
It's time to check in with the UK Money blogger community fresh from their Monday Twitter chat. Now every week, around 100 experts in all, take to the social media site to kick off the week and share experiences, tips and questions on anything money related. Last night they discussed broadband bills. Joining Georgie Frost was Andy Webb, personal finance blogger and journalist whose site is to discuss ways that people spend too much for their phone and broadband.

Andy Webb

Georgie Frost

Financial planner David Braithwaite from Citrus Financial on The News Review 07/02/17

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Financial planner David Braithwaite from Citrus Financial on The News Review 07/02/17
Georgie Frost was joined by Financial planner David Braithwaite from Citrus Financial. Today on the agenda, they discussed the 'broken' housing market. Plus they look into Aldi becoming the 5th biggest supermarket chain. All these stories and more on The News Review.

David Braithwaite

Georgie Frost

Jack Sommers from the Huffington Post discusses John Bercow’s Trump comments

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Jack Sommers from the Huffington Post discusses John Bercow’s Trump comments
John Bercow - the House of Common speaker who's not shy of courting controversy - has been at it again. He won applause from opposition MPs for saying US President Donald Trump should not be allowed to address Parliament during a planned state visit. But the comments have angered some Tories, who say he should remain neutral. Georgie Frost was joined by Jack Sommers of the Huffington Post to discuss reaction to Mr Bercow's comments.

Jack Sommers

Georgie Frost

Share’s Juliette Foster on the latest market headlines

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Share’s Juliette Foster on the latest market headlines
Joining us to discuss what the main market headlines of the morning are is Share Radio's very own Juliette Foster. A busy morning of Regulatory News Statements? And BP's profits have fallen for a second consecutive year - with earnings down more than 800 million pounds for 2016. Plus Facebook and Google step up efforts to combat fake news after they faced criticism for not doing enough to curb fake news during the US Presidential election.

Juliette Foster

Juliette Foster

Michael Downs, Head of Telecoms Security at Positive Technologies discusses how companies should secure themselves from cyberattacks

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Michael Downs, Head of Telecoms Security at Positive Technologies discusses how companies should secure themselves from cyberattacks
One of the largest investments a mobile phone operator makes is on their network. Network builds and maintenance run into billions of pounds as these companies seek to maintain service levels, or improve their geographical reach and speeds. However the underlying software and signalling protocols they run on can often be flawed, leaving them open to attack from outsiders. Juliette Foster was joined by Michael Downs, Head of Telecoms Security at Positive Technologies, to explain more about the risk to operators from such vulnerabilities.

Michael Downs

Ed Bowsher

The Queen's Sapphire Jubilee: 65 years of Economic History

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

The Queen's Sapphire Jubilee: 65 years of Economic History
Queen Elizabeth is today celebrating her Sapphire Jubilee, as Britain commemorates 65 years since she ascended the British throne. At 90 years old, Queen Elizabeth is currently the world's longest-reigning living monarch, In honour of the Queen's Sapphire Jubilee, Share Radio’s Matt Cox delves into the financial, technological, and political highs and lows witnessed by Queen Elizabeth during her reign so far, and how it has shaped the country as we know it.

Olivia Demetriades, Matt Cox

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money Your Future: Tracking down forgotten money

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money Your Future: Tracking down forgotten money
Now, how would you like some free money? Well, there may be some money you've lost track of. It's estimated there's up to £15 billion in bank accounts and Premium Bonds that people have lost track of - but it doesn't have to cost you anything or take a long time to find it again. Sarah Pennells was joined by freelance journalist Simon Read, Simon Barber from Title Research and Rodney Prezeau, Managing Director of Aviva Online Investments to discuss further.

Simon Read, Simon Barber, Rodney Prezeau

Sarah Pennells (1)

Lisa Hardstaff from Equifax and Russell Winnard from Young Enterprise on Safer Internet Day

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Lisa Hardstaff from Equifax and Russell Winnard from Young Enterprise on Safer Internet Day
Just how safe do you think your children are online? According to research from credit report agency Equifax, a lack of parental controls and supervision could leave many kids at risk of giving out personal details and falling victim to scams. Tomorrow is Safer Internet Day which encourages greater awareness of some of the risks of online fraud and how to stay protected. To find out more Share Radio's Tom Hill spoke to Lisa Hardstaff from Equifax and Russell Winnard from Young Enterprise who started by explaining some of the recent findings.

Lisa Hardstaff, Russell Winnard

Ed Bowsher

Brexit already biting for 58 percent of major companies and Trump's currency criticisms

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Brexit already biting for 58 percent of major companies and Trump's currency criticisms
There's some gloomy news on Brexit with 58 percent of larger companies saying it's already having a negative impact on their business - that's according to Ipsos Mori. And the pound's drop is pushing up company costs, according to the British Chambers of Commerce. While in the US, is Trump right on currency policy? For these stories and more, Jeremy Stretch, Head of G10 FX Strategy at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, joined Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher.

Jeremy Stretch
