Share Sounds. presented by Gavin Oldham related to Economics - USA

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Genre: Economics / Topic: USA
Presenter: Gavin Oldham
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Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: New Approach needed for Bequests

Gavin Oldham
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Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: New Approach needed for Bequests
The birth rate is falling swiftly, leaving wealthy old folk with their ever greater reserves looking for a home. Meanwhile Professor Eric French and his colleagues ask, 'Why Do Retired Households Draw Down Their Wealth So Slowly?', showing how in the United States 80% of bequests are left to an ever-decreasing number of descendants, and just 2% to charity. It's time for a re-think whose purpose is inter-generational rebalancing. Background music: 'Young And Old Know Love' by Puddle of Infinity

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Underlying Principles for Taxation

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Underlying Principles for Taxation
For the past 250 years, starting with Adam Smith, there have been valiant attempts to set out principles for taxation: but they have been principally domestic, and with no attempt to address inter-generational rebalancing. Without specific provisions requiring hypothecation of inheritance levies it's hard to see how disadvantaged young people can be empowered with resources and life skills so that all may share in future wealth creation. Don't expect change in this week's Budget, but the Treasury Select Committee should look again at the principles they established over ten years ago. Background music: 'Dark Alley Deals' by Aaron Kenny

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Understanding Stock Ownership

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Understanding Stock Ownership
The first SHARE conference in Cambridge last Friday provided much food for thought, and comments particularly drew attention to the need for widespread understanding of stock ownership if 'Stock for Data' is to take hold. In financial terms and because equity stock in companies is a surrogate for human enterprise, earnings from capital growth and dividends massively outperform bonds and cash over the long term; meanwhile stock owners have a key role in contributing to the governance of their companies, as employee shareownership has shown. All this needs straightforward and intelligible communication. Background music: 'Communicator' by Reed Mathis
