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Nigel Cassidy

How much of a threat does Donald Trump pose to the Fed's independence?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

How much of a threat does Donald Trump pose to the Fed's independence?
Federal Reserve chief Janet Yellen has insisted she will serve her full term until 2018, despite criticism of her and Fed policy by president-elect Donald Trump. However, while Ms Yellen may be staying put, Fed-watchers fear the next President could still remake the organisation in his own image with vacancies on the FOMC board waiting to be filled. Robert Van Egghen spoke to editorial fellow at the Peterson Institute and former Federal Reserve correspondent at the Wall Street Journal, Pedro da Costa, to find out how much of a threat Trump poses to the Fed's independence.

Robert Van Egghen, Pedro da Costa

Nigel Cassidy

Ten days on: the investment themes seen since the US went to the polls

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Ten days on: the investment themes seen since the US went to the polls
It’s been ten days since US voters went to the polls. And it certainly turned the financial world upside down. We've already heard about the perils of kneejerk reactions among investors, and it’s also an opportunity for some in the market to drive product sales by devising investment "themes". But which should be followed? To help cut through the noise at the end of another eventful financial week, David Miller, Executive Director of Quilter Cheviot, joined Share Radio Breakfast.

Paul Sedgwick, David Miller

Nigel Cassidy

When will we see a US interest rate rise? Colin Cieszynski discusses with Matt Cox

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

When will we see a US interest rate rise? Colin Cieszynski discusses with Matt Cox
A US interest rate rise could come "relatively soon" according to Federal Reserve Chair, Janet Yellen. Speaking to the Joint Economic Committee, Yellen signalled she was confident that jobs data and inflation would continue to support plans for a rate rise, with some analysts expecting one as soon as December. But is this the right time, so soon after the US election and with President-elect Trump's policies still uncertain? Matt Cox spoke to Colin Cieszynski, Chief Market Analyst at CMC Markets Toronto, to find out more.

Paul Sedgwick, Matt Cox, Colin Cieszynski

Sarah Lowther

Could Donald Trump help the Fed achieve its inflation goals?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Could Donald Trump help the Fed achieve its inflation goals?
While Donald Trump won't assume power for another 65 days, markets are already betting that a Trump presidency means higher inflation and interest rates. The Federal Reserve has been trying to get inflation up towards its 2% target for years and now the president-elect could help them achieve this goal. Share Radio’s Robert Van Egghen has been speaking to Brett Ryan, Senior US Economist at Deutsche Bank, about the forecast for the Trump administration.

Robert Van Egghen, Brett Ryan

Sarah Lowther

How did the US elections affect investor behaviour?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

How did the US elections affect investor behaviour?
How can investors keep up with the extraordinary pace of change in the past six days? Since US voters went to the polls on Tuesday, some investors have sold up and piled into safe havens like gold, only to see the financial markets do an unexpected about-face. With impeccable timing, the Open University Business School is staging its annual conference with the theme of "investor behaviour", and its Research Professor, Janette Rutterford, spoke to Share Radio's Nigel Cassidy about recent investor behaviour, and what it tells us about our understanding of finance.

Nigel Cassidy, Professor Janette Rutterford

Sarah Lowther

A new period of fiscal stimulus for the US, but can Trump’s policy pledges be achieved?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

A new period of fiscal stimulus for the US, but can Trump’s policy pledges be achieved?
As Donald Trump prepares to assemble his economic team, markets are rallying in expectation of a new period of fiscal stimulus. However, with Republicans in Congress set on strict deficit reduction targets, Mr Trump may be unlikely to achieve his policy pledges, including $1trn worth of spending on infrastructure. Robert Van Egghen has been speaking to Jim O'Sullivan, Chief US Economist at High Frequency Economics, who explained why the Republican party could stop Mr Trump from fulfilling his spending promises.

Robert Van Egghen, Jim O'Sullivan

Nigel Cassidy

Will President Trump gamble with banking regulations?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Will President Trump gamble with banking regulations?
Part of President Obama's legacy were rules to curb the excesses of investment banks on wall street - the Dodd-Frank Act, a United States federal law that places regulation of the financial industry in the hands of the government. Some would like to see the brakes off, though more commentators have voiced concerns after President-elect Donald Trump announced he hopes to enact reforms when he enters office in the New Year. They fear changes could herald the return of casino banks engaging in risky financial behaviour. Share Radio's Matt Cox spoke to Colin Cieszynski, Chief Analyst at CMS Markets and Philip Alexander, Editor at

Matt Cox, Philip Alexander, Colin Cieszynski

Nigel Cassidy

Share Radio Breakfast: What might the Post-Trump US economy start to look like next year?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Share Radio Breakfast: What might the Post-Trump US economy start to look like next year?
George Magnus, Senior Economic Adviser to UBS, joined Share Radio to talk about the US Election result. And his message is: brace yourselves! After the initial sell off, the trading world's reaction to the election of Donald Trump has been far from the market bloodbath many forecast. But George says the liberal global order represented by US-led institutions such as the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation is hanging in the balance.

Sara Sjölin, George Magnus

Nigel Cassidy

Is Trump's victory a blow to "Brand USA"?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Is Trump's victory a blow to "Brand USA"?
Allyson Stewart-Allen, CEO at International Marketing Partners and author of Working with Americans, joined Share Radio to share her view of a damaged "Brand USA", following Trump's election. She said that the only individual who can fix the image of the country is the occupant of the White House, and she had few tips for him.

Louise Cooper, Allyson Stewart-Allen

Sarah Lowther

Share Radio Breakfast: How would President Trump affect interest rates going forward?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Share Radio Breakfast: How would President Trump affect interest rates going forward?
The odds of a December interest rate hike in the US have diminished. The FOMC had signalled it expected to raise rates by the year end, but while the markets were confident of an increase, the markets are now not. Professor Peter Rupert, Department of Economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara & former Senior Economic Advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank, joined Share Radio to discuss.

Chris Bailey, Professor Peter Rupert
