Share Sounds. from Share Politics presented by Matthew Cook related to Economics

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Genre: Economics
Strand: Investment Perspectives
Programme: Share Politics
Presenter: Matthew Cook
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Matthew Cook

Share Politics: Jenny Jones

Matthew Cook
Original Broadcast:

Share Politics

Share Politics: Jenny Jones
An increasing number of official bodies have been describing anti-fracking campaigners as "extremists" in response to a controversial Government strategy designed to prevent people from becoming terrorists. Councils, schools and police forces have listed anti-fracking campaigns in documents about the Prevent programme, which is part of the national counter-terrorism strategy. Green Party peer Baroness Jenny Jones has said she will push the Government to stop the police and local councils from using Prevent to "intimidate people who are objecting to their local water supply being threatened by the frackers" Share Radios Matthew cook spoke With Baroness Jenny Jones to find out more.

Jenny Jones

Matthew Cook

Share Politics: Campaign Against Arms Trade

Matthew Cook
Original Broadcast:

Share Politics

Share Politics: Campaign Against Arms Trade
The sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia to use against Yemen, by the UK has long been a controversial one, as the UK also sends aid to Yemen. The Campaign Against Arms Trade has recently launched legal action against the UK government, to try and stop the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia. Matthew Cook spoke to Andrew Smith, from CAAT to discuss the legal case and the humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Andrew Smith
