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Genre: Economics
Strand: Consuming Issues
Presenter: Matthew Cook
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Matthew Cook

Inside Business: The History of Scandal

Matthew Cook
Original Broadcast:

Inside Business

Inside Business: The History of Scandal
In this episode of Inside Business, Matthew Cook gets to grips with some of the biggest corporate scandals of the past few decades. He is joined by BBC Business reporter, Howard Mustoe, to discuss Enron, the Bank of Credit Commerce International, and more.

Howard Mustoe

Matthew Cook

Inside Business: Best from 2017

Matthew Cook
Original Broadcast:

Inside Business

Inside Business: Best from 2017
In this week’s episode of Inside Business, we will be rounding up all the best content from 2017. Featuring Lord Peter Hain of Neath who took HSBC accusations to the House of Lords; BBC World Service reporter Howard Mustoe; and Steve Keen, Professor of Economics at Kingston University and author of Debunking Economics.

Lord Peter Hain of Neath, Howard Mustoe, Steve Keen

Matthew Cook

Inside Business: HSBC and the Gupta Family

Matthew Cook
Original Broadcast:

Inside Business

Inside Business: HSBC  and the Gupta Family
In this weeks Inside Business we discuss the recent HSBC allegations, as the National Crime Agency and the Serious Fraud Office look to investigate HSBC's recent dealings with the Gupta Family in South Africa. We spoke with Lord Peter Hain of Neath who took these accusations to the House of Lords and also we spoke with vocal anti corruption whistle blower Nicholas Wilson about other HSBC related investigations. As always we finish the show with a word from a regular commentator BBC World Service Reporter Howard Mustoe.

Lord Peter Hain, Nicholas Wilson, Howard Mustoe

Matthew Cook

Mobile News: Bio-metrics facial recognition

Matthew Cook
Original Broadcast:

Mobile News

Mobile News: Bio-metrics facial recognition
In this weeks show we discussed biometrics facial recognition software with GFK Director of Technology Imran Choudhary and Deloitte head of TMT research Paul Lee We also spoke with New Way international Managing Director Nigel Prince about his involvement in the upcoming mobile news awards this March and of course we had a word with features editor Manny Pham about the new Mobile News magazine issue out this week.

Imran Choudhary, Paul Lee, Nigel Price, Manny Fam

Matthew Cook

Share Politics: Jenny Jones

Matthew Cook
Original Broadcast:

Share Politics

Share Politics: Jenny Jones
An increasing number of official bodies have been describing anti-fracking campaigners as "extremists" in response to a controversial Government strategy designed to prevent people from becoming terrorists. Councils, schools and police forces have listed anti-fracking campaigns in documents about the Prevent programme, which is part of the national counter-terrorism strategy. Green Party peer Baroness Jenny Jones has said she will push the Government to stop the police and local councils from using Prevent to "intimidate people who are objecting to their local water supply being threatened by the frackers" Share Radios Matthew cook spoke With Baroness Jenny Jones to find out more.

Jenny Jones

Matthew Cook

Share Politics: Campaign Against Arms Trade

Matthew Cook
Original Broadcast:

Share Politics

Share Politics: Campaign Against Arms Trade
The sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia to use against Yemen, by the UK has long been a controversial one, as the UK also sends aid to Yemen. The Campaign Against Arms Trade has recently launched legal action against the UK government, to try and stop the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia. Matthew Cook spoke to Andrew Smith, from CAAT to discuss the legal case and the humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Andrew Smith

Matthew Cook

Inside Music: Copyright Laws

Matthew Cook
Original Broadcast:

Inside Music

Inside Music: Copyright Laws
Matthew Cook is joined by Murray Stassen, Deputy editor of Music Week,discussing the current debate surrounding copyright laws. John Telfer, the new director of BMG Brazil and Co-Founder of Basement Music, discusses the company's development. Matt also discusses the European Copyright Law with Nathalie Vandystadt, the European Commission spokesperson for the Digital Single Market. Frey Lindsay looks at Elvis Costello's ban from Saturday Night Live as an example of how interpretation can lead to something one didn't think was possible.

Murray Stassen, Nathalie Vandystadt, John Telfer
