Share Sounds. from Morning Money at 6:00 presented by Sarah Lowther related to Economics

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Genre: Economics
Strand: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells
Programme: Morning Money at 6:00
Presenter: Sarah Lowther
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Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Tech is top – David Brear speaks about the world’s most valuable industry

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Tech is top – David Brear speaks about the world’s most valuable industry
Research by PwC revealed that the biggest tech businesses in the world are now worth $2.9 trillion, overtaking the world's biggest financial companies with just $2.7 trillion of value. Matt Cox has been finding out what this means for tech companies by speaking with David Brear, Co-Founder and CEO at fintech expertise group, 11FS.

Matt Cox, David Brear

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: What does Brexit mean for European companies with ties to the UK?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: What does Brexit mean for European companies with ties to the UK?
There have been heated discussions about what happens to British businesses with ties to Europe, in the wake of the UK’s Brexit vote. But what about the other way round? Matt Cox has been finding out the situation from the other side of the channel, by taking a look at the European manufacturers that have factories and plants based in the UK.

Matt Cox, Dan Michaels, James Batchelor

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: How important an event is Japan’s upper house election on July 10th?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: How important an event is Japan’s upper house election on July 10th?
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has begun an upper house election campaign, with a pledge to rev-up the economy, as surveys show his ruling bloc is ahead. Seijiro Takeshita, Professor of Management and Information at University of Shizuoka in Japan, joined Sarah Lowther and Chris Bailey to discuss.

Chris Bailey, Dr Seijiro Takeshita

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: ECB stimulus programme in court – Zsolt Darvas talks us through the complexities of the case

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: ECB stimulus programme in court – Zsolt Darvas talks us through the complexities of the case
The European Central Bank’s stimulus programme is due to go to court in Germany. The country's influential Constitutional Court will deliver a final verdict on whether German law allows the ECB to deploy so-called "outright money transactions". Zsolt Darvas, Senior fellow at the economic think tank Bruegel, discussed the implications of this.

Chris Bailey, Zsolt Darvas

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: What’s behind Tata Steel’s UK steelmaking arm U-turn?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: What’s behind Tata Steel’s UK steelmaking arm U-turn?
Last week it emerged that Tata Steel was considering keeping its UK steelmaking arm, after putting the loss-making business up for sale in March. The development has raised further hopes that the Port Talbot plant can be saved and David Blackaby, Professor of Economics at Swansea University, looked at why a U-turn is being considered.

Chris Bailey, David Blackaby

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Tightening the screws further on tax havens & offshore finance

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Tightening the screws further on tax havens & offshore finance
Ahead of an international corruption summit being hosted by David Cameron in London this week, the Head of Campaigns at ActionAid UK, Murray Worthy, joined Sarah Lowther and Chris Bailey. ActionAid has been campaigning for the reform of global tax rules to tackle tax dodging in the world's poorest countries.

Chris Bailey, Murray Worthy

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Trump takes giant stride towards Republican nomination

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Trump takes giant stride towards Republican nomination
Donald Trump has taken another step towards the Republican nomination, with a clean sweep of victories in Tuesday’s primary elections. Share Radio’s Sarah Lowther spoke to Politico reporter, Ben Schreckinger, about whether Trump is right to declare himself the presumptive Republican nominee.

Ben Schreckinger

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: A renaissance on the high street

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: A renaissance on the high street
Clare Rayner, The Retail Champion and Founder of The Future High Street Summit, discusses the event, which embraces the belief that the high street is evolving. It’s returning for a third year, and Clare talks about the agenda and if the high street can compete with the likes of Amazon.

Chris Bailey, Clare Rayner

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: MBNA Director Mark Elliott on the launch of Android Pay

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: MBNA Director Mark Elliott on the launch of Android Pay
It seems Apple Pay will soon have a competitor, as a contactless mobile pay system is due to be released for Android phone users. Credit card provider, MBNA, has announced it will be on board and its Director, Mark Elliott, joined Sarah Lowther and Chris Bailey to explain what Android Pay will allow people to do, the rise of contactless mobile systems and why MBNA is on board.

Chris Bailey, Mark Elliott

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Why are people having to work longer?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Why are people having to work longer?
A third of people aged over 50, who are employed in the private sector, are now planning to retire later than they previously hoped. Aviva's latest Working Lives report reveals that they'll work eight years longer than hoped. Alistair McQueen, Pension Policy Manager at Aviva, joins Share Radio to discuss the findings.

Chris Bailey, Alistair McQueen
