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Simon Rose

Market Wrap: FTSE falls as retailers let out a Christmas cheer

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Market Wrap: FTSE falls as retailers let out a Christmas cheer
Robyn Dwyer stands in for Share Radio's Simon Rose and brings you Market Wrap, a roundup of what's been happening in the bourses and businesses of Britain and the world. To help contextualise the day's events, Robyn was joined by Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher - they tackled the FTSE's drop, retailers exceeding their trading expectations, and Fiat Chrysler shares taking a hit after being accused of taking part in the Diesel Emissions Scandal.

Robyn Dwyer, Ed Bowsher

Robyn Dwyer

Will the government have to bail out RBS again?

Robyn Dwyer
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Will the government have to bail out RBS again?
There are fears the government could have to step in to bailout RBS, again. The Department of Justice in America is considering fining the bank for mis-selling risky mortgages during financial crisis of 2008. The financial penalty could run as high as 13 billion dollars, roughly 9.6 billion pounds. The DoJ is expected to make a decision over the next few weeks. Share Radio's James Brydges has been finding out more from Ian Fraser, author of Shredded: Inside RBS, The Bank That Broke Britain.

James Brydges

Robyn Dwyer

Is the bond bull market coming to an end? - Rathbone's Investment Management's Edward Smith joined Share Radio to discuss

Robyn Dwyer
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Is the bond bull market coming to an end? - Rathbone's Investment Management's Edward Smith joined Share Radio to discuss
Is the bond bull market coming to an end or is it just a blip we've seen over the last few months? Share Radio's Ed Bowsher was joined by Ed Smith, Asset Allocation Strategist at Rathbone Investment Management to find out.

Edward Rathbone

Georgie Frost

Author John Blakey believes our lack of trust in politicians derives from our language

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Author John Blakey believes our lack of trust in politicians derives from our language
In his new year speech, the labour leader Jeremy Corbyn says he understands the lack of trust in politicians and the EU that led to the Brexit vote. Trust, in politics, economists and business, has perhaps never been such an important issue as it is today - nor indeed perhaps so low among the general public. But where has this lack of faith come from? And what can be done to get it back? According to my next guest it's not just our actions that can cause distrust- the language we use is as important. John Blakey is a CEO Coach and author of The Trusted Executive - Nine leadership habits that inspire results, relationships and reputation.

John Blakey

Georgie Frost

Track Record: Mike France part 2

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Track Record: Mike France part 2
It's time to check in with part 2 of Track Record. Discussing his career and favourite tracks today is Mike France, who's the co-founder of the premium watch brand Christopher Ward in conversation with Sue Dougan.

Mike France

Georgie Frost

Penions Director at Aegon Steven Cameron tells all about how to make sound financial decisions.

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Penions Director at Aegon Steven Cameron tells all about how to make sound financial decisions.
How do you make financial decisions? A recent survey found that only 8% of us speak to a financial advisor about financial decisions. To find out more about this Georgie Frost was joined by Steven Cameron, Penions Director at Aegon.

Steven Cameron

Georgie Frost

Food Psychologist Dr Christy Fergusson discusses how SAD leads to lower productivity during winter.

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Food Psychologist Dr Christy Fergusson discusses how SAD leads to lower productivity during winter.
Most of us would admit it's much harder to get ourselves of bed and out the house when it's cold, dark and damp outside. But do you belong to the 54% of Brits who say they get less work done during the winter months? That's a statistic published today by industry body British Summer Fruits from a survey it carried out into how the seasons affect productivity. Georgie Frost was joined on the line by Dr Christy Fergusson, the UK's leading food psychologist behind Channel 4's Secret Eaters.

Christy Fergusson

Ed Bowsher

Trump's conference impact on markets, FTSE down after 12-day high, Carney's Brexit stance and more - with Nandini Ramkrishnan, at JP Morgan

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Trump's conference impact on markets, FTSE down after 12-day high, Carney's Brexit stance and more - with Nandini Ramkrishnan, at JP Morgan
Nandini Ramkrishnan, Global Market Strategist at JP Morgan, joined Share Radio Afternoon to discuss the markets reaction to Trump's Press conference, his first as President-elect. She talked on the FTSE being down after a 12 days of gains, the longest ever winning streak for the index, Carney's view that Brexit is no longer the main risk to UK’s stability, and German GDP growth accelerating to a five-year high of 1.9 percent.

Nandini Ramakrishnan

Georgie Frost

Jeanette Makings, Head of Financial Education at Close Brothers Asset Management discusses how money worries can affect your job.

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Jeanette Makings, Head of Financial Education at Close Brothers Asset Management discusses how money worries can affect your job.
As many as a quarter of people say they're not able to do their job properly because of money worries. That's according to a survey released today by the CIPD and Close Brothers Asset Management. That number rises to almost a third among 18-24 year olds. Joining Georgie Frost was Jeanette Makings, head of financial education at Close Brothers Asset Management.

Jeanette Makings

Georgie Frost

Head of Investments at GHS Graham Bird tells us what SME's can expect in the coming months.

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Head of Investments at GHS Graham Bird tells us what SME's can expect in the coming months.
It's the start of a new year and if you are thinking about setting up your own businesses or indeed you are running one, you may be wondering what on earth is in store this year. Especially after last year! 2016 certainly proved a volatile year so what are some of the opportunities and challenges SME's can expect in coming months? To give us a bit of a preview Georgie was joined by Graham Bird, Head of Investments at Gresham House Strategic.

Graham Bird
