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Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Private Equity undermining the UK’s role in global finance

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Private Equity undermining the UK’s role in global finance
The Bank of England has sounded its strongest warnings yet of the danger to financial stability from Private Equity, and the London Evening Standard simultaneously reported the serious attrition of London Stock Exchange trading activity. We explain the close connection between these, and call for a more global perspective. It's important that both Finance and Government rise to this challenge, so that the United Kingdom can continue to provide a leading role in the development of the global manifesto for which we called on 2nd January. Background music: 'Dark Alley Deals' by Aaron Kenny

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Will the Bank of England cut rates as soon as people think?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Will the Bank of England cut rates as soon as people think?
The Bank of England held interest rates again this week as inflation dropped once more. So, are we out of the woods yet? Will inflation keep coming back down towards target and the Bank of England soon seamlessly switch back to cutting rates? Or will central bankers be keen to hold onto higher rates, even if we get hit by a bout of disinflation? Georgie Frost, Lee Boyce and Simon Lambert look at what next for inflation and interest rates and what it means for your money. Also, should the Waspi women who saw their state pension age rise rapidly be compensated for the poor communication and how much of a victory was this week’s Parliamentary Ombudsman Waspi report a victory for them? As that happened, more news emerged on underpaid state pensions – as exposed by our Tanya Jefferies and pension columnist Sir Steve Webb, and the team update us on that. Plus, what’s going on with the chaos at HMRC and who is to blame for the failure to keep up with our increasingly tricky tax system. And finally, meet the Scambaiters – we find out what they do and why.

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Shifting the Burden Stealthily

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Shifting the Burden Stealthily
Jeremy Hunt's focus on young working people, by making a further significant reduction in employees' NI, is welcome; but his overall strategy is cloaked in disguise. As Michael Gove made clear in February, young people need direct economic encouragement: for example, the omission of any mention of unclaimed adult-owned CTFs indicates more of a studied indifference from HM Treasury. Background music: 'Hidden Agenda' by Kevin MacLeod -

Gavin Oldham

The Financial Outlook: UK Budget as delivered on 6 March 2024

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook: UK Budget as delivered on 6 March 2024
The full unabridged UK Budget speech as delivered by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt in the House of Commons on Wednesday 6th March 2024, without additional comment.

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Was the Budget too little, too late or what we need for escape velocity?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Was the Budget too little, too late or what we need for escape velocity?
Jeremy Hunt bounced around delivering his Budget on Wednesday, proudly declaring his commitment to tax cuts and supporting working families. Another 2% was chopped off National Insurance and the threshold at which child benefit is removed was raised from £50,000 to £60,000. But you don’t need to be a financial expert to know that the Chancellor’s version of events isn’t quite the whole story. Because Mr Hunt is also presiding over a long-term stealth tax freeze to thresholds that is costing workers dear and his child benefit move merely kicked sky-high marginal tax rates down the road, rather than getting rid of them altogether. Nonetheless, a tax cut and an extra £5,000 Isa allowance – even if it’s a slightly iffy, limited one – is not to be sniffed at. So, was this an escape velocity Budget that puts Britain back on the path to growth? Or was it too little, too late, from a Tory party that has sported successive Chancellors who have been keener to raise our taxes by hook or by crook rather than cut them – or even just keep thresholds in line with inflation? Georgie Frost, Lee Boyce and Simon Lambert look at the winners and losers and go searching for the devils in the detail. What is the National Insurance cut worth to you? Will you get some child benefit back? Did pensioners deserve a tax cut too? With a failure to reverse his capital gains and dividend tax raid, what has the Chancellor got against small investors? And will the British ISA be any good? All that and more – plus a look at why Nationwide is buying Virgin Money, and whether that’s good or bad for us all.

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Quick Budget reaction — Investing experts on the Chancellor's speech

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Quick Budget reaction — Investing experts on the Chancellor's speech
Simon Lambert is joined by Charles Stanley Direct’s Lisa Caplan and Garry White for a quick run through what was in the Budget. Investment experts Lisa and Garry talk us through the main Budget points and what they mean for people.

Lisa Caplan, Garry White

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: New Approach needed for Bequests

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: New Approach needed for Bequests
The birth rate is falling swiftly, leaving wealthy old folk with their ever greater reserves looking for a home. Meanwhile Professor Eric French and his colleagues ask, 'Why Do Retired Households Draw Down Their Wealth So Slowly?', showing how in the United States 80% of bequests are left to an ever-decreasing number of descendants, and just 2% to charity. It's time for a re-think whose purpose is inter-generational rebalancing. Background music: 'Young And Old Know Love' by Puddle of Infinity

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Will the Budget cut taxes and get rid of these traps?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Will the Budget cut taxes and get rid of these traps?
With next week's Budget (Wednesday 6th March) tipped to be the Chancellor’s last roll of the dice before a General Election, expectations over tax cuts are growing. But what taxes could Jeremy Hunt choose to cut and why – and is there hope that he will sort out the tax mess that Britain has got stuck in. The higher income child benefit charge creates marginal tax rates above 50%, meanwhile the removal of the personal allowance bakes in a 60% income tax rate between £100,000 and £125,140. Should these tax traps and painfully high stamp duty be removed? Simon Lambert argues that Mr Hunt needs to have a clear out, chuck a load of stuff in the stupid tax box and bin it. Simon, Georgie Frost and Lee Boyce look ahead to what could be in the Budget and what it would mean for you. Also, energy bills are due to fall as the price cap is cut: but how much will this save you? It’s not just tax catching people out, student loans are also proving difficult to shift as interest mounts up due to high inflation. Does the student finance system need a sort out too? And what is Simon’s triple lock for student loans plan? And finally, don’t get spear-phished or tap-jacked, Lee talks us through the new scams you need to know about.

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: What's required for a good start to adult life

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: What's required for a good start to adult life
Much like Sir Keith Joseph, Michael Gove provides intellectual stimulus for the Conservative Party. 'Breaking the cycle of deprivation' was Keith Joseph's strategy in the mid-70s, but after 32 years of Conservative governments there's little progress to show. Is Michael Gove just talking about housing or can he tackle the wider issue, including unclaimed Child Trust Funds? Background music: 'Waiting' by Andrew Langdon

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: The UK is in recession but does that matter (and could things be about to get better)?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: The UK is in recession but does that matter (and could things be about to get better)?
It's finally happened. After months of will-we, won't-we speculation, the UK economy has finally succumbed to recession. The ONS revealed this week that a drop in GDP in the final three months of 2023 meant that Britain had racked up two consecutive of negative growth - and thus the dreaded R word is here. But is this a bad one, why does the term 'technical recession' keep being bandied about and do these backward-looking figures mask things already getting better? Georgie Frost, Helen Crane and Simon Lambert look at what recession means for the UK and you. Plus, who are the villains among big banks and building societies when it comes to sky-high standard variable rates for mortgage borrowers, and is it them or the customers themselves to blame if somone ends up paying almost 10% interest? Also — the customer turned down for a switching bonus by HSBC because they had a Midland account 21 years ago. And finally, electric car sales aren't growing as fast as the government or car makers want. Does that mean it's time to drive a bargain?

Helen Crane
