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Nigel Cassidy

Are there alternatives to passporting rights for UK firms?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Are there alternatives to passporting rights for UK firms?
UK financial firms are reportedly looking to relocate to Dublin following the Brexit vote with the Irish central bank reporting a sharp increase in the number of inquiries from UK-based firms. Other European cities including Frankfurt and Paris are also trying to grab UK firms which are worried about losing passporting rights which grants them the right to operate across the continent. Earlier Share Radio's Robert Van Egghen spoke to Barnabas Reynolds, head of the global financial institutions advisory & financial regulatory group at law firm Shearman & Sterling. In a new report Reynolds argues that there are other models for UK firms to follow, which offer advantages that passporting does not have.

Paul Sedgwick, Barnabas Reynolds, Robert Van Egghen

Nigel Cassidy

Train fares in Britain to go up by 2.3% from January

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Train fares in Britain to go up by 2.3% from January
Train fares in Britain will go up by 2.3%, on average, from January the 2nd. The Rail Delivery Group says the vast majority of the cash gets pumped back in to running services. But campaign groups say some passengers are "finding themselves priced off the railways". Tony Miles, Contributing Editor from Rail Business Intelligence, joined Share Radio Breakfast to offer his reaction.

Tony Miles

Nigel Cassidy

UK tech visa applications on the up – James Brydges looks into the driving demand

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

UK tech visa applications on the up – James Brydges looks into the driving demand
Applications from foreign workers who want to work in the UK tech industry have increased tenfold over the last year. It's after the government decided to relax the rules, allowing groups of coders to apply as a group rather than run the risk of being rejected individually. Tech City UK, the organisation that processes the visa applications, says applications had spiked since the Brexit referendum. James Brydges asked Oliver Smith, tech reporter at the Memo, and Megan Caywood, Chief Platform Officer at Starling bank, about what had been driving the demand.

James Brydges, Oliver Smith, Megan Caywood

Nigel Cassidy

15 years on: the collapse of Enron

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

15 years on: the collapse of Enron
On this day in 2001, the American energy giant Enron filed for bankruptcy. Enron took accounting fraud to a whole new level, and its demise even led to the disintegration of its accountants Arthur Andersen. Its collapse was the worst business failure in US corporate history to date. Matt Cox has been investigating the causes and consequences of the fall, and the lessons we’ve learnt over a decade and a half later.

Matt Cox

Nigel Cassidy

Dijedon Imeri looks ahead to Sunday’s Italian referendum & the affect this will have on the market

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Dijedon Imeri looks ahead to Sunday’s Italian referendum & the affect this will have on the market
On Sunday, Italy holds a referendum. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi wants the power to streamline the country's creaking political system, reducing the power of upper house senators from blocking what he sees as essential economic reforms. But many are predicting he will lose. The worry for the markets is that a large protest vote could give the populist Five Star movement enough momentum to put Italy on a slippery slope to leave the Euro currency zone, plunging Europe into a fresh political and financial crisis. Dijedon 'Doni' Imeri is a country risk analyst for IHS Markit and he joined Share Radio Breakfast.

Sara Sjölin, Dijedon Imeri

Nigel Cassidy

How has the natural gas market been affected by the Opec deal?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

How has the natural gas market been affected by the Opec deal?
Oil prices are sitting at their highest level in a year. For now, financial markets seem convinced the Opec cartel's new deal to limit global crude production will stick. Motoring organisations have already warned petrol prices may rise by 9p a litre, adding about £5 to the average cost of filling up a car. But what of Oil's cousin, natural gas. How has the market for that been affected? Matt Cox has been hearing from Edgar van der Meer, Senior Analyst at industry specialists NRG Expert.

Matt Cox, Edgar van der Meer

Nigel Cassidy

Royal Mint digital gold blockchain - a positive step forward?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Royal Mint digital gold blockchain - a positive step forward?
The Mint, the only institution licensed to provide coins in the UK, has announced it will look at launching a digital gold offering, allowing users to trade the assets using a blockchain based system. So how will this new digital gold blockchain work? Share Radio's Matt Cox spoke to monetary innovation researcher Garrick Hileman to find out more.

Louise Cooper, Garrick Hileman

Nigel Cassidy

Energy expert Peter Bild on OPEC deal to cut production

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Energy expert Peter Bild on OPEC deal to cut production
OPEC has reached a deal to cut oil supplies for the first time since the global financial crisis in 2008, prices are expected to rise above $50 a barrel as countries with large oil reserves like Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies accepted big reductions in production. OPEC decided to cut 1.2m barrels a day to about 32.5m b/d for six months from early 2017 after six hours of talks in Vienna. Our energy expert in Vienna Peter Bild joined the show to discuss.

Louise Cooper, Peter Bild

Sarah Lowther

How will UK environmental industries deal with the potential fallout from Brexit?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

How will UK environmental industries deal with the potential fallout from Brexit?
The Environmental Industries Commission Annual Conference is being held in London. Its remit explores how environmental industries in the UK will deal with the potential fallout from Brexit. How will so called green companies cope if current environmental regulation is loosened once we come out of the EU? James Brydges spoke to James Murray, Editor in Chief of Business Green, who'll be speaking at the event. He asked how things would pan out for green businesses over the next few years.

James Brydges, James Murray

Sarah Lowther

What can we expect from the OPEC meeting in Vienna?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

What can we expect from the OPEC meeting in Vienna?
There is high drama in Vienna, where oil ministers from OPEC are meeting. A deal to curtail oil production and prop up the price of crude has suffered a setback, with Iran and Iraq resisting pressure from Saudi Arabia to participate fully in any action. Iran’s oil minister has declared that his country will not cut oil production. To look ahead to the meeting, Kevin Baxter, Global Commodities Spot News Editor at the Wall Street Journal, joined Share Radio Breakfast.

Chris Bailey, Kevin Baxter
