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Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: The issues facing women in business

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 8:00

Morning Money: The issues facing women in business
The annual Women in the World Summit is due to meet in New York, in the hope of celebrating female icons and leaders from sectors ranging from artists to activists. But is enough being done? Matt Cox spoke to Fiona Reynolds from Investment firm PRI, who explained the issues facing women in business, and what can be done to remove hurdles facing them.

Matt Cox, Fiona Reynolds

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: What impact have pension freedoms had one year on?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: What impact have pension freedoms had one year on?
An overhauled state pension, being paid to new rather than existing pensioners, has begun. Meanwhile it's been a year since pension freedoms came into force. Matt Cox spoke to former pensions minister Steve Webb, Director of Policy at pension provider Royal London, about how the pension freedom act has affected the UK, pensioners and providers one year on.

Matt Cox, Steve Webb

Juliette Foster

Chief Economist at Deloitte Ian Stewart discusses CFO support for the EU following a new survey

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Hour with Juliette Foster

Chief Economist at Deloitte Ian Stewart discusses CFO support for the EU following a new survey
A survey by the professional services group Deloitte, reveals that support for Britain to stay in the European Union, has risen among the Chief Financial Officers of the UK's biggest companies. It also found that the possibility of a British exit, is now the top issue on the corporate worry list. Ian Stewart, is the Chief Economist at Deloitte, and he joined Investment Perspectives host Juliette Foster in the studio for more analysis of the new survey.

Juliette Foster

The Weeks Update: Silkie Cragg of the TUC & Professor John Weeks discuss the trade union bill

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

The Weeks Update

The Weeks Update: Silkie Cragg of the TUC & Professor John Weeks discuss the  trade union bill
On the day that Chancellor George Osborne made his budget speech to the House of Commons, the government's controversial Trade Union Bill was dealt a major blow by peers in the House of Lords. By a majority of 320 votes to 172, they defeated a proposal to change the way that union members pay their dues. It was a strong show of support to a recommendation from a cross-party committee which had said that any changes to party funding should be restricted to new members only. The Lords then ended what had been a bruising session for the government, by giving its overwhelming support to two other bill ammendments. So what happens now? Is the Trade Union Bill dead in the water? Will the government now have to rip it up and start again? Silkie Cragg is the "Policy & Campaigns Support Officer" for the TUC, and Professor John Weeks is Share Radio's regular economics commentator.

John Weeks

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Scandal for Industrivarden - A look at the Swedish holding company

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Scandal for Industrivarden - A look at the Swedish holding company
The financial results of Swedish holding company, Industrivarden, are due for release. The group controls more than half of the Swedish stock exchange and is just emerging from the country’s biggest corporate scandal in decades, which led to the replacement of the group’s former Chief and Chairman. Ahead of Industrivarden's earnings, Share Radio’s Nigel Cassidy heard from Albin Ranner, Head of Market Surveillance at the Swedish Shareholders Association, who can be credited with bringing the scandal to light.

Albin Ranner

Glen Thompsett

Share Daily - 04/04/2016

Glen Thompsett
Original Broadcast:

Share Daily

Share Daily - 04/04/2016
This is Share Daily, a look back at some highlights from Share Radio over the last 24 hours. It's your opportunity to catch up with the best of Share Radio , where we bring you news and views on stocks and shares, talk to successful entrepreneurs and offer advice which could make and saves you money. Today, Glenn Thompsett looks at the rolling Panama Papers scandal, a new initiative for flood-affected UK homes, and a new campaign aims to finally give female athletes their due.

Juliette Foster

Conversations From Africa: President Zuma in the firing line, Mozambique in trouble & more

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Conversations From Africa

Conversations From Africa: President Zuma in the firing line, Mozambique in trouble & more
This is Conversations From Africa with Chris Bishop, Managing Editor of Forbes Africa Magazine. Today, he and Share Radio's Patrick Jones discuss President Jacob Zuma being convicted by a high court in South Africa for failing to uphold the constitution, electricity giant Eskom increasing it's rates despite an outcry and Mozambique's economy being downgraded from a poor d2 to an even worse d3, by Moody's Ratings Agency.

Chris Bishop

Georgie Frost

Ed Bowsher on the News Review - Floods, Panama, and Groceries

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Ed Bowsher on the News Review - Floods, Panama, and Groceries
Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher joins Georgie in the studio to look at the massive Panama leaks, incoming flood protection, and our weekly grocery shop drops to its lowest level.

Ed Bowsher

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Tesla launch new Model 3 electric car

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 8:00

Morning Money: Tesla launch new Model 3 electric car
Oliver Smith, Senior Tech Reporter at The Memo, joins Nigel Cassidy and Emma Wall to discuss the launch of a new Tesla. The electric car maker has unveiled the Model 3, which is the lowest-cost vehicle of its range to date. So will the vehicle appeal to new types of customers? And could it boost interest in other electric vehicles?

Emma Wall, Oliver Smith

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: What is the nuclear fuel cycle?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: What is the nuclear fuel cycle?
Experts in the nuclear industry are gathering in Abu Dhabi to discuss 'the nuclear fuel cycle', where they’ll be focusing on issues such as efficiency and economic competitiveness. Matt Cox spoke to David Hess, science communicator & policy analyst at the World Nuclear Association, who explained the nuclear cycle, and if the UK can keep up with demand.

Matt Cox, David Hess
