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Sarah Lowther

Share’s Juliette Foster on the latest market headlines

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Share’s Juliette Foster on the latest market headlines
Joining us to discuss what the main market headlines of the morning are is Share Radio's very own Juliette Foster. A busy morning of company announcements starting with Ryanair - It's traffic statistics for January are out. The company we used to know as Zoopla have changed their name. And Sports Direct has bought an 11% state in French Connection.

Juliette Foster

Georgie Frost

Author Jerry Rhodes explains the science behind our imagination

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Author Jerry Rhodes explains the science behind our imagination
How important is imagination? And is there a science to it? Georgie was joined by Jerry Rhodes, author of a book that tackles this very subject... his book " I Wonder: The Science of Imagination" tackles the mysterious subject of imagination through a scientific lens.

Jerry Rhodes

Georgie Frost

Jackie Leiper from the Centre for the Modern Family on the cost of self-employment

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Jackie Leiper from the Centre for the Modern Family on the cost of self-employment
Tempted to go self-employed but worried about the costs? You're not alone? According to research whilst two fifths of us want to be our own boss less than five percent actually plan to go it alone in the future. Going self-employed can offer many advantages, not least flexibility and more family time, however many are put off by financial uncertainty. To find out more about what's holding us back Share Radio's Tom Hill spoke to Jackie Leiper from the Centre for the Modern Family.

Jackie Leiper

Georgie Frost

Head of Marketing and Communications at Time to Change Joanna Kowalski discusses Time to Talk Day

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Head of Marketing and Communications at Time to Change Joanna Kowalski discusses Time to Talk Day
Today is Time to Talk Day, where we're being encouraged to talk more openly about mental health. The day has been launched by mental health campaigners Time to Change, and as part of their research they have revealed that of those who have experienced stigma and discrimination, almost 1 in 5 lost their job. Joanna Kowalski is from the charity and joined Georgie to discuss more.

Joanna Kowalski

Georgie Frost

Kevin White, Head of UK Financial at De Vere on The News Review 02/02/17

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Kevin White, Head of UK Financial at De Vere on The News Review 02/02/17
Georgie Frost was joined by Kevin White, Head of UK Financial at De Vere. Today on the agenda, they discussed how nearly a third of us haven't put any money aside for a "rainy day". Plus they look into why more than half of workers over the age of 50 have switched careers at least three times. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Kevin White

Georgie Frost

Josh Lowe, Reporter at Newsweek on the Article 50 parliamentary consent

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Josh Lowe, Reporter at Newsweek on the Article 50 parliamentary consent
Now it's time to review some of the biggest political stories. Georgie Frost joined by Josh Lowe, Reporter at Newsweek. Let’s start with the vote in the House of Commons last night. MPs voted in favour of a bill giving consent to government to leave the EU.

Josh Lowe

Georgie Frost

Share’s Juliette Foster on the latest market headlines

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Share’s Juliette Foster on the latest market headlines
Joining us to discuss what the main market headlines of the morning are is Share Radio's very own Juliette Foster. Vodafone has released a quarter trading update. And Royal Dutch Shell has released results this morning so what does it suggest about the commodities sector? Plus Reckitt Benckiser, the consumer goods giant behind Dettol and Nurofen, has announced they are in advanced takeover negotiations.

Juliette Foster

Georgie Frost

Rashid Ahmad, founder of touchtennis explains how he came up with the invention of a new sport

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Rashid Ahmad, founder of touchtennis explains how he came up with the invention of a new sport
What do you do if you love a sport, want to play with your young daughter but don't have a tennis court size back garden? Naturally you start up your own version of the game. That's exactly what Rashid Ahmad did. In the last 15 years touchtennis has become one of the fastest growing pro raquet sports - with players around the world, and coverage on major outlets such as Sky Sports. So ahead of the sports first touchtennis masters event of the year in Portsmouth this weekend, Rashid joined Georgie in the studio to discuss more.

Rashid Ahmad

Georgie Frost

Money Saving Expert consumer writer Megan French explains why energy firms are still charging exit fees

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Money Saving Expert consumer writer Megan French explains why energy firms are still charging exit fees
This week Georgie was joined by consumer writer at Money Saving Expert Megan French. They were looking at rail fare reforms making our train fares simpler and why energy firms are still charging exit fees. Plus we'll have a roundup of the best deals the eagle-eyed team have come across this week.

Megan French

Georgie Frost

Tom Church from told us how he lived off yellow sticker food for a year

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Tom Church from told us how he lived off yellow sticker food for a year
If you thought a diet of champagne and lobster sounds expensive, well think again. Founder of Tom Church spent a year of sticking to a shopping regime of only reduced items marked by a yellow label and managed to save £3,400 on food and drink. Speaking to Share Radio's Tom Hill he explained just how it's done.

Tom Church
