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Peter Urwin

Economist Questions: Robocalypse, Will new technologies and automation lead to mass unemployment?

Peter Urwin
Original Broadcast:

Economist Questions

Economist Questions: Robocalypse, Will new technologies and automation lead to mass unemployment?
Some projections suggest a third of UK jobs are at high risk of computerisation. The impact of technical progress has been debated since Karl Marx predicted advancement of the means of production to the point where abundance would end the division of labour. J. R. Shackleton, Professor of Economics at the University of Buckingham and Editorial and Research Fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs, considers the modern debate in Robocalypse Now?. Prof. Shackleton argues that estimates of the number of jobs-at-risk are excessive; that regulatory and legal barriers to automation will result in slower than anticipated change, and that the last 200 years show how new employment opportunities are created to replace jobs lost to automation. We consider these various debates and ask whether the emergence of AI and robotics mean that, this time it’s different.

J. R. Shackleton

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The Cost of Connectivity is an Inconvenient Truth

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The Cost of Connectivity is an Inconvenient Truth
Adam talks to Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, an expert on medical conditions related to radio frequency and Brian Stein of the Radiation Research Trust about the growing scientific evidence that mobile phone radiation and WIFI are now linked to various cancers. They discuss why there is an unwillingness to talk about the dangers as mobile phones and WIFI is often ranked as the things we want and need most in our lives. They discuss why the government and the telecoms industry have a vested interest in not warning people of dangers and what you can do if you’re worried about the health risks but still want to keep using WIFI and your phone.

Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, Brian Stein

Georgie Frost

This is Money: What would you do with a life-changing sum of money?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: What would you do with a life-changing sum of money?
Working out what to do with a life-changing sum of money is a nice problem to have but that doesn’t mean it’s not tricky. We’ve all read the stories of inheritances, lottery wins and other windfalls squandered - and even if you have spent a lifetime building your wealth, whether through investing or business, it would still be all too easy to rattle through the cash. On this week’s podcast, we look at a question from This is Money’s new Wealth Check section on what to do with £1.2million from a business sale: how to spend some enjoying life and invest the rest so that it is not at too much risk but still grows. From there, Simon Lambert, Tanya Jefferies and Georgie Frost dive into what a life-changing sum of money might be, why more people are getting them, and what you might do with it. For those without that luxury, we look at why engaging with your pension investments is being tipped as a way to retire early - and whether a bit less time panic scrolling on social media might buy you the time to do that.

Simon Lambert, Tanya Jeffries

Simon Rose

Motley Fool Money: Microsoft’s Cloud Nine

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Motley Fool Show

Motley Fool Money: Microsoft’s Cloud Nine
Want to keep up with the latest earnings updates from the States? Well join Chris Hill and the Motley Fool Radio Show team here on Share Radio, direct from Washington DC, for news, views and analysis of the US stocks that matter. In this week's show: Microsoft shares hit an all-time high thanks to strength in the company’s cloud business; Netflix falls on concerns over subscriber growth; American Express doesn’t get rewarded; And Skechers gets kicked around.

Chris Hill

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Brexit, what next

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Brexit, what next
In between the resignations and the reshuffles, what have we learned about where Brexit will go next? Much of the focus has been on the response to the deal the prime minister reached with her cabinet at Chequers, but what was in the deal itself? How practical is the government’s position on Brexit? And what are the alternatives? Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by Marley Morris, senior research fellow at the Institute for Public Policy Research, and Andrew Pendleton, NEF’s director of policy and advocacy.

Ayeisha Thomas-Smith, Marley Morris, Andrew Pendleton

Matt Dickson

Policy Matters: The Economics of Higher Education

Matt Dickson
Original Broadcast:

Policy Matters

Policy Matters: The Economics of Higher Education
In this episode of Policy Matters, host Matt Dickson talks to Laura van der Erve from the Institute for Fiscal Studies about the merits of doing a university degree, and what recent evidence suggests are the relative labour market returns to degrees in different subjects at different institutions. With almost 50% of young people in England going on to Higher Education, and with tuition fees of £9,250 for most courses, it has never been more important to understand the impact on earnings of studying different subjects and at different HE institutions. Laura describes recent research from the IFS looking at graduate outcomes and explains some of the difficulties in pinning down the impact of a particular course on later earnings and employment. They then discuss social gradients in attending university and the extent to which inequalities have been impacted by changes in tuition fees. Finally, talk turns to thinking about the sorts of things students need to know in advance in order to make an informed decision about where to apply and what to study, how the government can help with this, and the limits of information provision as a policy.

Laura van der Erve

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Litigation – and how to avoid it!

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Litigation – and how to avoid it!
Adam Cox talks to Michael Shapiro, Head of Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution at GSC Solicitors LLP, about one of the most visible parts of the legal process: litigation. Michael explains that a lot of litigation comes about as a result of poor planning at the start of a business relationship, and that prevention is much better and cheaper than the cure. He talks about why factors such as ego, stubbornness and revenge can drive a case to court – and why there are much better, and far less risky, ways to seek resolution. Would you take your business to court to prove a point?

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Citizen: Episode Four

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Citizen

Company Citizen: Episode Four
In the last of her four discussions with writer and consultant on responsible business Tom Levitt, Linda Lewis probes further into what it means to be a responsible and sustainable business in the 21st century. The two discuss what it is that engages employees within a business setting, the growing phenomenon of “social enterprise”, and how such businesses differ from the mainstream. The role of “purpose” in business is explored; as is the changing nature of investment, which is increasingly being used to support businesses in creating positive social and environmental outcomes. The discussion is further explored from a historical perspective – what can we learn from hindsight that could improve business today?

Tom Levitt

Simon Rose

Motley Fool Money: Bank Stocks, Groupon’s Latest Deal, and Cutting-Edge Software

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Motley Fool Show

Motley Fool Money: Bank Stocks, Groupon’s Latest Deal, and Cutting-Edge Software
Want to keep up with the latest earnings updates from the States? Well join Chris Hill and the Motley Fool Radio Show team here on Share Radio, direct from Washington DC, for news, views and analysis of the US stocks that matter. In this week's show: P Morgan Chase reports record profits; Wells Fargo disappoints; Pepsi rises; And Groupon looks for a buyer. Abi Malin, Jason Moser, and Jeff Fischer discuss those stories and share some stocks on their radar.

Chris Hill

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Electric dreams?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Electric dreams?
Are we on the “Road to Zero”, or will we end up on a “Road to Nowhere” with the government’s new zero emissions car plans? How much would you pay to keep your email address? And the World Cup may not coming home...but we ask: How long does football fever last in the economy?

Simon Lambert
