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Genre: Entertainment / Review / Topic: Books
Strand: Share Radio Afternoon
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Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Comic industry booming as fans gather for London Comic Con

Nigel Cassidy
Morning Money: Comic industry booming as fans gather for London Comic Con
MCM London Comic Con starts today, the largest gathering of comic fans in Europe with over 80 thousand visitors. And today comic books have super powers, thanks to franchising. There's a spate of superhero movies being released by massive studios and raking in millions in profits - not to mention all that merchandising and spin off products. Rich Prinn is from the world's largest science fiction, fantasy and cult entertainment retailer Forbidden Planet. He told Matt Cox nobody quite expected the boom in comics to be this big

Rich Prinn

Simon Rose

Book Value with Claudia Hammond

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Book Value

Book Value with Claudia Hammond
BBC Radio 4’s presenter of 'All in the Mind' Claudia Hammond talks about her new book 'Mind Over Money' which discusses the psychology of how we interact with money.

Claudia Hammond

Ed Bowsher

The Book Review: '5 Voices: How to Communicate Effectively with Everyone you Lead' with Steve Cockram

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Book Review

The Book Review: '5 Voices: How to Communicate Effectively with Everyone you Lead' with Steve Cockram
This is Share Radio's weekly Book Review on the Investment Perspectives show, this week featuring one of the authors of '5 Voices: How to Communicate Effectively with Everyone you Lead' - Steve Cockram, interviewed by Share Radio's Ed Bowsher.

Juliette Foster

Book review: "Loaded: Money, Psychology and How to Get Ahead without leaving your values behind."

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Book Review

Book review: "Loaded: Money, Psychology and How to Get Ahead without leaving your values behind."
How would you describe your relationship with money? Do you regard it as a means to an end, or something that isn't worth thinking about until the postman drops a reminder of an unpaid bill through the mail box? It's that perception of money that will ultimately shape how well - or badly - we manage our finances. Why are some people better at handling money than others? Are they just naturally capable or do they have the right set of values to be financially successful? Those are just some of the ideas explored in the book, "Loaded: Money, Psychology and How to Get Ahead without leaving your values behind." Its author is Doctor Sarah Newcombe, a behavioural economist at the investment research group "Morningstar", who joins Juliet in the studio.

Simon Rose

Book Value with Patrick McGinnis

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Book Value

Book Value with Patrick McGinnis
Simon spoke to Patrick McGinnis- author of 'The 10% Entrepreneur - Live your startup dream without quitting your day job', a book that shows how you can be an entrepreneur without having all the risks associated with failure.

Patrick McGinnis

Juliette Foster

The Book Review: John Piper's 'The Way to Trade Better'

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Book Review

The Book Review: John Piper's 'The Way to Trade Better'
Does the idea of trading stocks, options or other financial products appeal to you, or is it something that's better off in the hands of the market professionals? Anyone can trade although some people never make it beyond the first hurdle, especially after losing money. Yet its worth staying the course because with a little bit of patience its possible to learn how to read a market and find the strategies that turn losses into gains. It may sound a bit too good to be true but according to author John Piper its definitely not a fairy tale. He should know because he has been trading for over 30 years with considerable success. His new book, "The Way to Trade Better" explains how to get started and the mindset required for financial success. John Piper joins Juliette Foster on the line to discuss his strategy.

Simon Rose

Book Value with Floyd Woodrow

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Book Value

Book Value with Floyd Woodrow
Floyd Woodrow spoke about his book 'The Warrior, the Strategist and You' which shares lessons in success that he learned from his experiences in the SAS.

Floyd Woodrow

Juliette Foster

The Book Review: Jez Rose's 'Flip The Switch: Achieve Extraordinary Things with Simple Changes to How You Think'

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

Book Review

The Book Review: Jez Rose's 'Flip The Switch: Achieve Extraordinary Things with Simple Changes to How You Think'
Have you ever wondered why some people get what they want while others have to struggle? Are they phenomenally talented or do they have the knack of being in the right place at the right time for good things to happen? Surprisingly luck - and to a certain extent talent - don't have much to do with it. How far you go in life and whether you achieve your potential, depends on how you think and approach situations. So how easy is it to change the thought and behaviour patterns inherited from childhood, into something positive and beneficial? According to Jez Rose, an author and award winning behaviour specialist, anyone can do it....just as long as you follow a few rules outlined in his new book "Flip The Switch". Jez Rose joins Juliette Foster to discuss the book in more detail.

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Business and Middle Management

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Business and Middle Management
This week's Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, focuses on the expanding world of business and how it affects its employees. Nick Peters also looks at the pressures of middle management and why BAME workers with degrees are more likely to be unemployed than white workers. Nick is joined by Douglas Rushkoff, Professor of Media Theory and Digital Economics at City University New York; Penny de Valk, Managing Director Penna Talent Practice; Natasha Owusu, from the TUC, and Maxine Hurley, Member Engagement Manager at ENEI.

Douglas Rushkoff, Penny de Valk, Natasha Owusu, Maxine Hurley


In partnership with

Simon Rose

Book Value with Raj Raghunathan

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

Book Value

Book Value with Raj Raghunathan
Could the same traits that drive your career success also be keeping you from being happier? Simon was joined by author, Raj Raghunathan to talk about his new book, 'If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Happy?'

Raj Raghunathan
