Share Sounds. presented by Adam Cox related to Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders - Small Businesses

Podcast Directory

Genre: Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders / Topic: Small Businesses
Strand: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells
Presenter: Adam Cox
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Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The Inception of Business

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The Inception of Business
Adam is joined by award winning entrepreneur and TedX speaker Lorenzo Escobal about how he was able to create a business, Inception Auto Detailing, at the young age of 18. They discuss that at such a young age an emphasis on branding and strategy is essential to turn the weakness into a strength. Lorenzo talks about the risky and perilous periods of his business journey and why it’s crucial to not just have a plan but solve problems quickly and be positioned in an appealing way to attract the most desirable clients.

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: Hot to Avoid Workplace Disputes

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: Hot to Avoid Workplace Disputes
With small businesses spending £11.6 billion each year on litigation fees, what is the psychological and emotional cost of litigation for small businesses? In this episode, Adam Cox is joined by Olena Gulyanytska and Tom Cadman from the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Together they explore the other avenues available to small businesses for settling legal disputes, which can often have much more satisfying outcomes for all parties involved.

Olena Gulyanytska, Tom Cadman

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: The Psychology of Looking at Our Food

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: The Psychology of Looking at Our Food
Whether preparing a meal that takes 15 minutes or 50, home cooks can be forgiven for taking a moment to applaud their own efforts after plating up. Social data from HelloFresh shows that nearly 30,000 customers paused before eating their home-cooked meals and shared photos demonstrating feelings of pride and a sense of achievement. Dr Christy Ferguson discusses how taking time to appreciate the food that we have made can be beneficial to our mental wellbeing.

Dr Christy Ferguson

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Distilling Success Principles

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Distilling Success Principles
Adam talks to Douglas Vermeeren, a serial entrepreneur, speaker, film maker and author about his mission to interview 400 of the most successful business people across multiple industries. Douglas was so inspired by the book Think and Grow Rich that he emulated the approach used by Napoleon Hill and updated it for the 21st century. Douglas shares key insights on delegation, finding and keeping talent, marketing and focus in an insightful conversation that will be invaluable to business owners and entrepreneurs.

Douglas Vermeeren

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The Business Doctor

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The Business Doctor
Adam talks to city lawyer Clive Halperin from GSC on the life cycle of a business and what the key events throughout that life are that may need the help of a business doctor. From the legal entity at conception to the growth stages and problems with accessing finance or sacrificing equity for investment. They also discuss the issues that can lead to the death of a business and also discuss why businesses rarely have the equivalent of a health check.

Clive Halperin

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Rewarding our Emergency Services

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Rewarding our Emergency Services
Adam talks to personal finance expert, author and TV presenter Jasmine Birtles about the 70th anniversary of the NHS and what companies, such as retailer Iceland, are doing to reward or incentivise people who work for the NHS and other emergency services. They discuss how companies can build goodwill and increase loyalty by rewarding those who go the extra mile. They talk about the psychology of discounting and deals and how we’ve moved on from feeling embarrassed about showing a discount voucher to a waiter in a restaurant.

Jasmine Birtles

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Litigation – and how to avoid it!

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Litigation – and how to avoid it!
Adam Cox talks to Michael Shapiro, Head of Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution at GSC Solicitors LLP, about one of the most visible parts of the legal process: litigation. Michael explains that a lot of litigation comes about as a result of poor planning at the start of a business relationship, and that prevention is much better and cheaper than the cure. He talks about why factors such as ego, stubbornness and revenge can drive a case to court – and why there are much better, and far less risky, ways to seek resolution. Would you take your business to court to prove a point?

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: HS2 and the Environment

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: HS2 and the Environment
Adam talks to Anthony Coumbe, Senior Environment Manager for the HS2 – the UK’s largest ever infrastructure project, about why making environmental concerns a priority are so crucial to the process. They discuss how communities have been involved in environmental decisions and how animals, trees and organisms unique to specific towns and areas are being fully considered throughout construction.

Anthony Coumbe

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Conscious Leadership

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

 Modern Mindset: Conscious Leadership
Adam Cox is joined by international speaker and TV presenter Luke Scott, to talk about why he rejected corporate life as sales director of a major software firm to build his own lifestyle brand. Luke talks about how few business owners and managers lead effectively, and why “conscious leadership” can make a dramatic difference to results. He also provides some tips about how to build a personal brand, and shares why it’s an exciting time to celebrate what makes you stand out – and how that can be monetised. Find out more at

Luke Scott

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The Mind Flow Surfer

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The Mind Flow Surfer
Adam Cox talks to Saadia Valasarie Sultan, an entrepreneur who walked away from a family business worth millions to pursue her passion. Saadia has founded Mind Flow Surfer: a business that uses applied psychology techniques to create rapid change in clients. She is an avid believer in consciously living life in an emotional state that is most conducive to achieving success – both personally and professionally. From morning meditation to thinking about the future in specific ways, she provides mindset tips to unlock the potential she says we all have within us.

Saadia Valasarie Sultan
