Share Sounds. from Shop Floor presented by Nick Peters related to Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders - Small Businesses

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Genre: Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders / Topic: Small Businesses
Strand: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells
Programme: Shop Floor
Presenter: Nick Peters
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Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Short-termism, employee ownership and Public trust in businesses post-Brexit

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Short-termism, employee ownership and Public trust in businesses post-Brexit
This week, we’ve heard all about short-termism among companies; but what about employees? Nick Peters finds out with Kate Cooper from the Institute of Leadership and Management. Nick learns about why employee ownership is a great way for owners of a successful business to realise some of their investment but stay involved, and produce a massive boost to workforce morale. with Simon Mounsey from Agilisys. Nick and Alan Leaman, CEO at Management Consultancies Association, discuss public trust in business and politics post-Brexit. And have you ever wondered about the job of comments moderator on a web site? Nick finds out how it’s done from Arax Poshtvar is a member of the comments moderation team at the Guardian.


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: The Precariat, Sports Direct, Unions and Employee Passions

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: The Precariat, Sports Direct, Unions and Employee Passions
This week on Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, Nick Peters looks at the role of unions in business with Tony Devlin, National Officer for Unite the Union, and Luke Primarolo, Regional Officer for Unite the Union. Guy Standing, Professor of Development Studies at SOAS, discusses zero-hour contracts and the rise of a new social class, the precariat, whose working lives are filled with uncertainty and doubt. Craig Preston, Managing Director at IDG, explains why businesses should nurture their staff's passions in order to learn new skills about leadership and teamwork.

Tony Devlin, Luke Primarolo, Guy Standing, Craig Preston, Jake Meyer, Giles English


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, Unnecessary Admin and Working Environments

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, Unnecessary Admin and Working Environments
Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, opens with an insight into the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering. Lord John Browne, QE Prize Trustees and former Chief Executive of BP, explains what the award represents for the profession and why there needs to be a social change to encourage children to become engineers. Neil Pickering, Industry and Customer Insight Manager at Kronos, analyses how British businesses can avoid wasting over £60 billion a year on unnecessary admin, while Leeson Medhurst, Head of Workplace Consultancy at 360 Workplace, explains why office space can affect a company's productivity.

Lord John Browne, Neil Pickering, Paul Jackson, Leeson Medhurst


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor
In this week's programme, in association with IDG, Nick Peters looks at HR strategies that reward their staff with Ailsa Suttie, Operations Director at CSMA Club, who managed to bring a new and fresh approach to help its workers. Nick Howard, Executive Director at Edelman ENGAGE, explains the lack of trust between staff and their leaders and how the latter can build trust with their workers. Nick also speaks to Scott Stirrett, Executive Director and founder of Venture for Canada, a company that recruits and trains young graduates in start-up businesses. In contrast Andrew MacKensie, Policy and Research Manager at Reed in Partnership discusses their recent report, "Too Poor to Work", which looks at the cost of finding and sustaining work for the long-term unemployed in the UK.

Ailsa Suttie, Nick Howard, Scott Stirrett, Andrew MacKensie


In partnership with

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Open Culture

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Open Culture
Shop Floor with Nick Peters talking with Daniel Tenner about how businesses built on an Open Culture can generate enthusiasm, commitment and profits. And how his own business, Grant Tree, has flourished as a result.

Daniel Tenner

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: The Secret Campsite

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: The Secret Campsite
Nick Peters looks into the idea of living to work rather then working to live, by talking to a man who decided to leave his workplace 9-5 to set up his own company doing what he loves.

Tim Bullen

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Contract Law

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Contract Law
Nick Peters talks to Robin Williams from RW Law, about employers and employees rights when it comes to the hiring and firing process.

Robin Williams

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Small businesses and the budget

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Small businesses and the budget
Nick Peters talks to Paul Smith from Brick Rothenberg about the new budget and what it means for small businesses.

Paul Smith

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: 7 Stars Agency

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: 7 Stars Agency
Nick Peters talks to Jenny Biggam from "THE7STARS" named as one of the best small companies to work at, about how they have achieved this reputation.

Jenny Biggam

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Self Employment

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Self Employment
This week Nick Peters talks to Andy Chamberlain, Senior Public Affairs Officer from IPSE and Rebecca Shipham, IPSEs Freelancer of the year, all about self employment.

Andy Chamberlain, Rebecca Shipham
