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Genre: Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders / Topic: Small Businesses
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Simon Rose

The AIM Show with John Gunn

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The AIM Show

The AIM Show with John Gunn
Every week The AIM Show hears from the boss of one of the companies listed on the Alternative Investment Market.

Simon Rose

The AIM Show with Mark Lavery

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The AIM Show

The AIM Show with Mark Lavery
Every week The AIM Show hears from the boss of one of the companies listed on the Alternative Investment Market.

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: Gojimo

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: Gojimo
As exam season draws closer and closer, a free new app is bringing a fresh new approach to studying and revision. Gojimo have over 160,000 practice questions on all popular subjects and offer tutoring via instant messaging, available 24/7. Linda Lewis meets the founder, George Burgess, and the young team behind Gojimo on Company Casebook who explain how it all started.

George Burgess

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: POD

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: POD
POD is a firm with a mission: to change the way people eat on-the-go, selling healthy fast food to busy office workers. The company was set up by Tim Hall and Kate Skerritt and they opened the first branch in 2005 in the City of London. Now under a new management team Linda Lewis looks at their ambitious plans to expand the business beyond their current 22 branches, but still keeping to the ethos of using innovative ingredients and unusual recipes.

Meg Ellis

Georgie Frost

Consuming Issues: Carole Gaskell from Full Potential Group tells us her story and how she succeeded despite adversities

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Consuming Issues: Carole Gaskell from Full Potential Group tells us her story and how she succeeded despite adversities
We all know that life can throw up all sorts of issues that we have to face - both personal and professional. But how do you manage these and even become stronger and more successful as a result? Today we're bringing you the first in an occasional series looking at how leading business people have overcome adversity and used to it forge forward. Georgie speaks to Carole Gaskell, Founder and Managing Director of Full Potential Group and her husband Peter Maul, who is also company secretary

Carole Gaskell

Simon Rose

The Entrepreneur Show with Dario Ceccarelli

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Entrepreneur Show

The Entrepreneur Show with Dario Ceccarelli
The Entrepreneur Show takes a look at interesting businesses and talks to the people behind them. Whether you already run your own business or are thinking about taking the plunge, we'll bring you everything you need to guide your business from concept to success.

Simon Rose

The Entrepreneur Show with Dominic Wood

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Entrepreneur Show

The Entrepreneur Show with Dominic Wood
The Entrepreneur Show takes a look at interesting businesses and talks to the people behind them. Whether you already run your own business or are thinking about taking the plunge, we'll bring you everything you need to guide your business from concept to success.

Simon Rose

The Entrepreneur Show with Sally Goodsell

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Entrepreneur Show

The Entrepreneur Show with Sally Goodsell
The Entrepreneur Show takes a look at interesting businesses and talks to the people behind them. Whether you already run your own business or are thinking about taking the plunge, we'll bring you everything you need to guide your business from concept to success.

Nick Peters

Shop Floor

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor
In this week's programme, in association with IDG, Nick Peters looks at HR strategies that reward their staff with Ailsa Suttie, Operations Director at CSMA Club, who managed to bring a new and fresh approach to help its workers. Nick Howard, Executive Director at Edelman ENGAGE, explains the lack of trust between staff and their leaders and how the latter can build trust with their workers. Nick also speaks to Scott Stirrett, Executive Director and founder of Venture for Canada, a company that recruits and trains young graduates in start-up businesses. In contrast Andrew MacKensie, Policy and Research Manager at Reed in Partnership discusses their recent report, "Too Poor to Work", which looks at the cost of finding and sustaining work for the long-term unemployed in the UK.

Ailsa Suttie, Nick Howard, Scott Stirrett, Andrew MacKensie


In partnership with

Sarah Pennells (1)

Women and Money: Crowd Funding and Peer-to-Peer Lending

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Women & Money

Women and Money: Crowd Funding and Peer-to-Peer Lending
What is peer-to-peer lending? Sarah Pennells looks at the method behind it and how it can help set up a business and how crowdfunding can become a platform to a successful company. Sarah speaks to Karen Kerrigan, Director of UKCFA and Chief Legal Officer of Seedrs; Lucy Bott, Head of Customer Operations at RateSetter, a market place where rates are set by investors and borrowers; and Tom Britton, CTO and founder of Syndicate Room. While Tom and Lucy discuss the differences between peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding, Karen looks at women and their attitude towards the latter. Neil Faulkner, founder of 4thWay, also gives advice on peer-to peer lending and any risks that you should be aware of. Sarah also speaks with Gem Misa, founder of Righteous and CauliRice, about her experiences in setting up her businesses using crowdfunding.

Karen Kerrigan, Lucy Bott, Tom Britton, Neil Faulkner, Gem Misa
