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Genre: Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders / Topic: Small Businesses
Programme: Track Record
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Sue Dougan

Track Record: Luca Senatore

Sue Dougan
Original Broadcast:

Track Record

Track Record: Luca Senatore
Digital agency director Luca Senatore put himself through evening school to learn marketing, after a fractured education in his native Italy. He came to the UK unable to speak the language, and was promptly fired from his first job. Undeterred, he moved from waiter to business owner to agency founder within a few years, and now works in digital marketing serving leading retailers as director at Genie venture. He borrows from sporting philosophy for business, and his top tip for motivation and character-building is to ‘think like Superman!’ in meetings.

Luca Senatore

Sue Dougan

Track Record: Alistair McQueen

Sue Dougan
Original Broadcast:

Track Record

Track Record: Alistair McQueen
Alistair McQueen is head of Savings and Retirement for Aviva plc. He's been with the organisation in its various incarnations since joining the then Commercial Union as a graduate trainee. He's a self-confessed savings geek, and urges us all to start on a pension plan if we haven't already. He's happy to confess his big business bloopers in this edition (sending confidential information in 'all-staff' email by accident!). Away from the business, he's a keen singer and runner.

Alistair McQueen
