Share Sounds. presented by Nick Peters related to Ethics & Morality - Corporate Standards

Podcast Directory

Genre: Ethics & Morality / Topic: Corporate Standards
Strand: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells
Presenter: Nick Peters
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Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Marxist Capitalism, Discontented workers, The 30 Minute Meeting and Culture Hacking

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Marxist Capitalism, Discontented workers, The 30 Minute Meeting and Culture Hacking
On Shop Floor, with the Inspirational Development Group, Nick Peters speaks to Simon Biltcliffe who runs his company, Webmart, on the principles of Marxism and Capitalism combined. Nick also discusses with Nadim Choudhury, Head of Career Development at the Institute of Financial Services University College, the latest CIPD report on job satisfaction. Peter Bregman, CEO of Bregman Partners in New York, explains how to get more out of your day, while Daniele Fiandaca, Co-Founder of Creative Social, discusses his recent article on creative and time-saving ways to make your business and workers more efficient.

Simon Biltcliffe, Nadim Choudhury, Peter Bregman, Daniele Fiandaca


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Marketing Watch - Brands gone Wrong

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch - Brands gone Wrong
Nick looks at brands, the stories behind them, what happens when they go wrong and how a good story can influence the lives of millions for the better. To talk about brands and PR nick talks to Russell Parsons, of marketing week, Andrew Caesar-Gordon, of Electric Airways and Chris Brown from Liverpool vision.

Russell Parsons, Andrew Caesar-Gordon, Chris Brown

Nick Peters

Shop Floor 14 Feb 2016

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor 14 Feb 2016
Nick Peters hits the shop floor for another packed edition on workplace issues. This week, social mobility, the goal of productive work and enterprise, comes under attack. Nick Peters talks to Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of the RSA, about the idea that social mobility could be cruel or even evil. Digital skill levels among young people mean employers are finding it harder to get qualified staff and many young people risk missing out on good jobs - Nick Peters finds out more from Nigel Walsh at CapGemini. The Prime Minister says he wants ex-offenders to have much more support moving from jail into jobs and productive lives. It’s already happening - Nick Peters discovers how from Jane Gould, a trustee of Christian charity CleanSheet. And we head east to Vietnam to meet the "Digital Nomads", young people who are taking the idea of remote working to extraordinary lengths.

Matthew Taylor, Nigel Walsh, Jane Gould


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Behavioural Economics

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Behavioural Economics
Nick Peters is joined by Rhoda Woo to discuss behavioural economics and the new report published by Deloitte and Touche LLP, In the heat of corporate crisis: Mind over matter.

Rhoda Woo

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Behavioural Decision Making

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Behavioural Decision Making
Nick Peters talking to Peter Ayton, Professor of Psychology at City university London, about behavioural decision making within business.

Peter Ayton

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Amazon

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Amazon
Nick Peters talks to one of the UK's top commentators on people management, about the report from The New York Times about the mismanagement at Amazon.

Philip Whiteley

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Modern Slavery Act

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Modern Slavery Act
Nick Peters talks to Simon Bates from Jordans Corporate Law, about the modern slavery act and what corporations are going to have to do to help end the use of slaves in the corporate world.

Simon Bates

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Uber

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Uber
Nick Peters talks to Steve Garelick from GMB about taxi company Uber and their decision to take them to court.

Steve Garelick

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Discrimination in the workplace

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Discrimination in the workplace
Nick Peters looks into discrimination in the workplace, particularly with regards to pregnancy and maternity leave. To help him find out more on this subject is Will Hadwen from Working Families.

Will Hadwen

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Emotional Intelligence

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Emotional Intelligence
Geetu Bharwaney joins Nick Peters to discuss her book "Emotional Resilience: Know What it Takes to be Agile, Adaptable and Perform at Your Best" and talk about the ideas of emotional intelligence within business.

Geetu Bharwaney
