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Genre: Ethics & Morality / Topic: Ethical Investment
Presenter: Adam Cox
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Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: Changing Attitudes to Christmas Shopping

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: Changing Attitudes to Christmas Shopping
The high street, once a popular choice for shoppers, has faced many changes in recent years. The increase of online shopping is a clear indicator, as 1 in 3 of us will exclusively use the internet to shop this Christmas. Annette Picardo, Managing Director in the UK for Etsy, explains how people are moving towards a more mindful and conscious way of shopping. New independent research finds that people feel happier when supporting their local community and local businesses.

Annette Picardo

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: HS2 and the Environment

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: HS2 and the Environment
Adam talks to Anthony Coumbe, Senior Environment Manager for the HS2 – the UK’s largest ever infrastructure project, about why making environmental concerns a priority are so crucial to the process. They discuss how communities have been involved in environmental decisions and how animals, trees and organisms unique to specific towns and areas are being fully considered throughout construction.

Anthony Coumbe

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Does Modern Banking Meet Our Needs?

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Does Modern Banking Meet Our Needs?
Adam Cox leads a discussion into whether banks actually meet our psychological and emotional needs. Banking has experienced a shake-up, a rapid evolution since the credit crunch, and open banking is set to enhance that even more. Will modern banks tap into our human needs? Joining the show to further discuss these questions and more is Rich Wagner, CEO of Cashplus, one of the newest banks entering the UK market.

Rich Wagner

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Modern Mindset: Emilio Rimini on Brits Attitudes Towards Switching to Eco-Friendly Products

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Modern Mindset: Emilio Rimini on Brits Attitudes Towards Switching to Eco-Friendly Products
Adam Cox is joined by Emilio Rimini, Director at The Green Company, to discuss new research which suggests mixed feelings amongst the British public when it comes to maintaining environmentally conscious shopping habits during a cost-of-living crisis. Emilio explains the misconceptions around budget shopping in an environmentally friendly way and provides tips on how to be more environmentally conscious when shopping.

Emilio Rimini
