Share Sounds. from Shop Floor presented by Nick Peters related to Ethics & Morality - Ethical Investment

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Genre: Ethics & Morality / Topic: Ethical Investment
Strand: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells
Programme: Shop Floor
Presenter: Nick Peters
Clear Selection

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Bullying at Work, Emails and Productivity and Why did Microsoft buy LinkedIn?

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Bullying at Work, Emails and Productivity and Why did Microsoft buy LinkedIn?
On this week's Shop Floor, with the Inspirational Development Group, Nick Peters looks at bullying at work with Joeli Brearley, founder of Pregnant Then Screwed, who provide support and advice for women who have been badly treated at work either on returning from maternity leave, or when announcing their pregnancy. Beverley Sunderland, from Crossland Employment Solicitors, debates whether managers are armed with the right tools to deal with cases of bullying. Professor Sir Cary Cooper, of the Manchester Business School and the CIPD, explains how emails can affect our productivity and well-being, while Barry Dudley, of Green Square, discusses the Microsoft's recent purchase of LinkedIn.

Joeli Brearley, Beverley Sunderland, Professor Sir Cary Cooper, Barry Dudley


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group