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Genre: Ethics & Morality / Topic: Moral Dilemmas
Strand: Morning Money
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Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Jordan Shelley on the Kept Animals Bill

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Jordan Shelley on the Kept Animals Bill
Adam Cox is joined by Jordan Shelley, Founder and Director of Animal Journal, to discuss a new petition, backed by animal welfare spokespeople and charities, that could help secure the safety and wellbeing of countless domestic and wild creatures across the world. Jordan explains the Kept Animal Bill, when it is likely to go through, and also why animal rights are often not a priority to politicians.

Jordan Shelley

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Coping with Asberger's

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Coping with Asberger's
Adam Cox speaks with Tucker Beardon, who describes himself as a practitioner of change. He has tackled his Asberger's condition head on, moving from a state of anxiety over simple day-to-day matters like going shopping to be able to speak in public and to help others. His new booklet is 'The Five Levels Of Lucid' - lucid dreaming, which he describes as a skill, made up of the little things you practice each and every day.

Tucker Beardon

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Who’s afraid of a no-deal Brexit?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Who’s afraid of a no-deal Brexit?
This is Money with Georgie Frost and Editor Simon Lambert. On this week's episode the team discusses about Brexit. Depends who you talk to but the OBR and Chancellor Philip Hammond have this week been painting another, rather bleak picture. But how likely is a no deal? What would it really mean for your money? Also, advice on investments is making a return to the High Street — backed by one of Britain's biggest banks. Will others follow suit? Plus, the pair get all romantic....talking faking your divorce to avoid tax and if you ditch the man, can you keep the engagement ring?

Simon Lambert

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The Power of No in the Era of MeToo

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The Power of No in the Era of MeToo
Adam is joined by coach and speaker Palma Palmer about how definitions of masculinity and boundaries are changing directly as a result of the MeToo movement. Palma talks candidly about her early years and her need to deal with predatory men and what lessons can be learned by those who need help to make their boundaries clear. They also discuss whether men and being confused or diluting masculinity as a result of public opinion changing.

Palma Palmer

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Emotional Eating

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Emotional Eating
Adam talks to author and coach Fadela Hilali about the increasing prevalence of emotional eating and how we can be trapped in a desperate cycle of emotional pain which leads to binge eating and guilt. Fadela provides practical insight into how to move from eating to deal with stress, anxiety and unhappiness to a life where you feel so good about yourself that there’s no room for cake!

Fadela Hilali

Georgie Frost

Should messaging services such as Whatsapp open up their platforms?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Should messaging services such as Whatsapp open up their platforms?
Social media firms will be summoned before the Home Secretary on Thursday after it emerged the Khalid Masood sent an encrypted message via Whatsapp minutes before the Westminster attack. Amber Rudd claims efforts by firms to curb extremist content online have been inadequate. But what issues would be raised if tech firms were to open up their platforms? To find out Georgie Frost was joined by Ed Johnson-Williams, a campaigner for The Open Rights Group - which campaigns for internet privacy.

Ed Johnson-Williams

Matthew Cook

Share Politics: Campaign Against Arms Trade

Matthew Cook
Original Broadcast:

Share Politics

Share Politics: Campaign Against Arms Trade
The sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia to use against Yemen, by the UK has long been a controversial one, as the UK also sends aid to Yemen. The Campaign Against Arms Trade has recently launched legal action against the UK government, to try and stop the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia. Matthew Cook spoke to Andrew Smith, from CAAT to discuss the legal case and the humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Andrew Smith

Marc Shoffman

Questions of Faith: Cryonics

Marc Shoffman
Original Broadcast:

Questions Of Faith

Questions of Faith: Cryonics
For many the thought of living forever is one of science fiction, but it was recently brought to reality with the news of a 14 year-old cancer sufferer whose dying wish was to be cryogenically frozen in the hope a cure would bring her back to life in the future. There has been plenty of debate around the emotional, financial and ethical questions of Cryonics, but where does faith come into it? To answer this, Marc is joined by Reverend Mark Woods and Rabbi Benjy Rickman

Rabbi Benjy Rickman, Reverend Mark Woods

Rita Lobo

Share Politics: Standing Rock reservation

Rita Lobo
Original Broadcast:

Share Politics

Share Politics: Standing Rock reservation
Rita Lobo, is joined by Steve Newcomb, from the indigenous law institute to discuss the current situation at the Standing Rock reservation in North Dakota. Plans to build a pipe line through the reservation have been heavily disrupted by protesters looking to protect the sacred land of the Sioux people.

Georgie Frost

Money Fight Club- Taking on energy tariffs.

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Money Fight Club- Taking on energy tariffs.
This week financial journalists Lindsay Cook and Anne Caborn take on energy tariffs- why are they still so complicated and can you negotiate a better deal? Plus we find out which delivery company is getting the Golden Gloves this week as well as answering how best to thank people for favours.

Lindsay Cook, Anne Caborn
