Share Sounds presented by Nick Peters related to Ethics & Morality

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Genre: Ethics & Morality
Strand: Share Radio Evening Show
Presenter: Nick Peters
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Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Uber drivers' tribunal, the gig economy in the 18th century, the RSA on social imbalance and Georgetown's Unsung Heroes

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Uber drivers' tribunal, the gig economy in the 18th century, the RSA on social imbalance and Georgetown's Unsung Heroes
Nick talks to the GMB Union about the tribunal being brought by Uber drivers, the UK's 'gig economy' in the 18th century, the RSA's commission to address Britain's social imbalance and the Georgetown students celebrating their Unsung Heroes.

Steve Garelick, Judy Stephenson, Charlotte Aldritt, Febin Bellamy

Nick Peters

Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 31/08/16

Nick Peters
Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 31/08/16
Nick Peters is joined in the studio by Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher. Today they discuss the growing numbers of new and expectant mothers being made redundant in the UK as well as the latest news on Apple's tax row with the EU. Plus just how much is cybercrime costing the UK economy? All these stories and more on The News Review.

Ed Bowsher

Nick Peters

Hannah Maundrell, editor in chief at, on The News Review 30/08/16

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Hannah Maundrell, editor in chief at, on The News Review 30/08/16
Nick Peters is joined by Hannah Maundrell, editor in chief at Today they discuss the strength of Britain's bars and restaurants as consumer spending rises as well as the growing issue of debt amongst young people. Plus we find out why Croydon has been dubbed the "Silicon Valley of south London". All these stories and more on The News Review.

Hannah Maundrell

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: The gender pay gap, employment rights post Brexit and Theresa May's small business commissioner

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: The gender pay gap, employment rights post Brexit and Theresa May's small business commissioner
The CMI says the gender pay gap is still at 23%, with the gap becoming worse as women progress through their careers. Nick discusses whether the headline figure of 23% disguises a very complicated picture. And what can and should smaller businesses be doing to generate a more even playing field between the sexes, both in terms of pay and promotion? Plus, what about Theresa May's small business commissioner, and what will happen to UK employment rights following Brexit?

Petra Wilton, Alan Price, Beverley Sunderland, Dafydd Llewellyen


In partnership with

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Brands' Olympic return and the demise of Gawker

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Brands' Olympic return and the demise of Gawker
Nick talks to Gareth Davies, head of digital and insight at PR firm Waggener Edstrom, about the campaigns of the various sponsors who had spent billions for the rights to be associated with the Rio Olympics to see who had won gold, silver, bronze or were just also rans. He also talks to Colin Williamson, media consultant, about the demise of Gawker, arguably the rudest, most fearless news site on the Internet, and why the rest of the media should pay attention to its story.

Gareth Davies, Colin Williamson

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Employee Engagement, post-Brexit business ethics and charitable individuals

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Employee Engagement, post-Brexit business ethics and charitable individuals
Nick talks to Richard Mackinnon about his report, Evidence Matters…Employee Engagement, the Emperor’s New Clothes?, and why it’s important to engage employees to create greater productivity, and whether this works, Tomorrow's Company about business ethics and visits two very charitable individuals in Bognor Regis.

Richard Mackinnon, Laurie Fitzjohn-Sykes, Danny Dawes, Samantha Staniforth


In partnership with

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Breakdown of trust in brands and the benefits for Olympic sponsors

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Breakdown of trust in brands and the benefits for Olympic sponsors
Nick talks to Debbie about the breakdown in trust between brands, agencies and consumers identified in a new documentary by Campaign. Do brands feel they’ve ceded too much power to budgets and agencies, and are now trying to get it back? Adrian joins Nick from Rio to talk about the ways in which brands benefit from the huge sums they pay to be associated with the games. And Rita Lobo tries to claim her free Uber ice cream…with mixed success.

Debbie Morrison, Adrian Day

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: How to cope with boring jobs, Olympic love from the TUC and mental health at work

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: How to cope with boring jobs, Olympic love from the TUC and mental health at work
Nick talks to Anthony Hughes a director of the recruitment specialists Coburg Banks about boring jobs and how to cope with one, Dutchmen Pim Demorree and Jos Minaar whose mission is to make work fun, and Paul Sellers, the TUC’s Pay Policy Officer, about workers watching the Olympics. Plus, he speaks to Rachel Suff, Employment Relations Advisor at the CIPD, about its report which suggests little progress is being made to tackle mental health issues in the workplace.

Anthony Hughes, Pim Demorree, Paul Sellers, Rachel Suff


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Companies losing their moral compass, executive pay, On the Go Economy and unhappy employees

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Companies losing their moral compass, executive pay, On the Go Economy and unhappy employees
Have businesses lost their moral compass? Nick ponders this with Charles Wookey, CEO of the Blueprint for Business organisation. He also talks to Ben Chu of the Independent about executive pay levels when business is going badly, and about Instanity, a phenomenon identified by expenses management company Concur, affecting those living in the so-called On the Go Economy.

Charles Wookey, Ben Chu, Chris Baker, Jimmy Gordon


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Company Culture, Workers on Boards, Crime in the Workplace and the Economy of Hours

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Company Culture, Workers on Boards, Crime in the Workplace and the Economy of Hours
With the Sports Direct report from the House select committee out this week, Nick talks company culture…and the imperative for a new way to do business. Plus, the effectiveness of worker representation on boards, crime in the workplace and the economy of hours…a new means of money-free trade and barter.

Peter Montagnon, Martin Warren, David Kearns, Sarah Henderson
