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Linda Lewis (1)

Company Citizen: Episode Four

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Citizen

Company Citizen: Episode Four
In the last of her four discussions with writer and consultant on responsible business Tom Levitt, Linda Lewis probes further into what it means to be a responsible and sustainable business in the 21st century. The two discuss what it is that engages employees within a business setting, the growing phenomenon of “social enterprise”, and how such businesses differ from the mainstream. The role of “purpose” in business is explored; as is the changing nature of investment, which is increasingly being used to support businesses in creating positive social and environmental outcomes. The discussion is further explored from a historical perspective – what can we learn from hindsight that could improve business today?

Tom Levitt

Peter Urwin

Economist Questions: Where Next for UK Minimum Wages?

Peter Urwin
Original Broadcast:

Economist Questions

Economist Questions: Where Next for UK Minimum Wages?
The New Labour government introduced a national minimum wage (NMW) in 1999. At first this was opposed by the Conservative party, but they have since joined a growing political consensus. The Low Pay Commission (LPC) are tasked with recommending NMW rates that 'help as many low-paid workers as possible without any significant adverse impact on employment or the economy’. The LPC’s apparent success in achieving this, may be one reason for growing political census, so it is perhaps worrying that a National Living Wage (NLW) is being set without these considerations. Len Shackleton, Professor of Economics at the University of Buckingham and Editorial and Research Fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs, sets out these issues and more in a recent IEA paper on Restructuring Minimum Wages. Prof. Shackleton argues that the system has become overly complex and recommendations made by the Taylor Review will only add to this complexity. In this interview we consider his proposals and what the future may hold for UK minimum wages.

Len Shackleton

Kate Andrews

IEA: The Christian Case for Capitalism

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: The Christian Case for Capitalism
On our podcast this week, Digital Manager Darren Grimes discussed the relationship between capitalism and Christianity with our Senior Academic Fellow Philip Booth and Father Marcus Walker, Rector of St Bartholomew’s Church in London. Following recent, seemingly anti-capitalist, interventions by the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, they assessed the extent to which the Church of England can still be considered the “Conservative Party at Prayer”. They also examined the treatment of markets, free exchange and private property in scripture. Finally, they hypothesised that the decline of religion in our society has coincided with the growth of the State, and a growing sense that the government, not private institutions or families, should take responsibility for societal ills.

Darren Grimes, Philip Booth, Father Marcus Walker

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: Changing Attitudes to Christmas Shopping

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: Changing Attitudes to Christmas Shopping
The high street, once a popular choice for shoppers, has faced many changes in recent years. The increase of online shopping is a clear indicator, as 1 in 3 of us will exclusively use the internet to shop this Christmas. Annette Picardo, Managing Director in the UK for Etsy, explains how people are moving towards a more mindful and conscious way of shopping. New independent research finds that people feel happier when supporting their local community and local businesses.

Annette Picardo

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: HS2 and the Environment

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: HS2 and the Environment
Adam talks to Anthony Coumbe, Senior Environment Manager for the HS2 – the UK’s largest ever infrastructure project, about why making environmental concerns a priority are so crucial to the process. They discuss how communities have been involved in environmental decisions and how animals, trees and organisms unique to specific towns and areas are being fully considered throughout construction.

Anthony Coumbe

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Litigation – and how to avoid it!

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Litigation – and how to avoid it!
Adam Cox talks to Michael Shapiro, Head of Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution at GSC Solicitors LLP, about one of the most visible parts of the legal process: litigation. Michael explains that a lot of litigation comes about as a result of poor planning at the start of a business relationship, and that prevention is much better and cheaper than the cure. He talks about why factors such as ego, stubbornness and revenge can drive a case to court – and why there are much better, and far less risky, ways to seek resolution. Would you take your business to court to prove a point?

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The Power of No in the Era of MeToo

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The Power of No in the Era of MeToo
Adam is joined by coach and speaker Palma Palmer about how definitions of masculinity and boundaries are changing directly as a result of the MeToo movement. Palma talks candidly about her early years and her need to deal with predatory men and what lessons can be learned by those who need help to make their boundaries clear. They also discuss whether men and being confused or diluting masculinity as a result of public opinion changing.

Palma Palmer

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Can We Tax Our Way to a Cleaner Planet?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Can We Tax Our Way to a Cleaner Planet?
New Economics Foundation weekly podcast is back with a hot topic: Environment. In this week podcast Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by Dave Powell, head of environment at the New Economics Foundation, and Alice Bell, director at climate charity 10:10 to discuss one of the most fashionable economic ideas of the past decade: The idea that a little prod from government can encourage us to change our behaviour and be better citizens, maybe without even realising it. Meanwhile, good old-fashioned regulation seems to have been decidedly out of favour with recent governments – and leaving the market to just do its thing isn’t all that popular with campaigners. When it comes to the environment, do all of these approaches have their place? What works best? And are there better or worse ways to make sure our economy doesn’t wreck the planet?

Ayeisha Thomas-Smith, Dave Powell, Alice Bell

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Can consumer power help the planet?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Can consumer power help the planet?
It's fair to say environmental issues have moved to the forefront of the agenda in recent times. This week, editor Simon Lambert, assistant editor Lee Boyce and host Georgie Frost take a look at potential changes you can make to help the pound in your pocket turn a little greener. Simon explains his rallying cry for us to be his acronym 'Layby' rather than being labelled 'Nimbys'. Layby – or look after your back yard – is a movement to look after the country we live in. When it comes to investing, there is a growing movement where savers who want to combat climate change invest a small amount of money in the very companies eco-activists traditionally rally against, such as fossil fuel giants Shell and BP – so why? What can you do to be a more eco-friendly tourist? And finally… it's hard enough trying to predict how rapidly a normal car will depreciate, but estimating the loss of value of an electric vehicle is a whole other ball game. We reveal all.

Lee Boyce, Simon Lambert

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Who’s afraid of a no-deal Brexit?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Who’s afraid of a no-deal Brexit?
This is Money with Georgie Frost and Editor Simon Lambert. On this week's episode the team discusses about Brexit. Depends who you talk to but the OBR and Chancellor Philip Hammond have this week been painting another, rather bleak picture. But how likely is a no deal? What would it really mean for your money? Also, advice on investments is making a return to the High Street — backed by one of Britain's biggest banks. Will others follow suit? Plus, the pair get all romantic....talking faking your divorce to avoid tax and if you ditch the man, can you keep the engagement ring?

Simon Lambert
