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Genre: Financial Education
Strand: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells
Programme: This is Money
Presenter: Georgie Frost
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Georgie Frost

This Really is Money: Look on the Brightside

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Really is Money: Look on the Brightside
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, brought to you in partnership with NS&I. After a year of doom and gloom stories this week we’re looking at the positives. Despite the Michael Fish style forecasting of the post-Brexit economy the FTSE is surging to unprecedented levels, could this be the time to start investing? For those less keen on the cut and thrust of the stock market a glimmer of hope for savings rates does seem to be on the horizon in 2017 as we look through some of the accounts paying up to 5%. Georgie Frost is joined by Editor Simon Lambert who gives his wish list of headlines for the next year whilst Consumer Affairs Editor Lee Boyce takes centre stage on everything coin related. But just how well will their financial knowledge stack up in our Podcast Quiz of the Year? This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Spreading the Jam

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Spreading the Jam
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, presented in partnership with NS&I. This week of course the top financial story was Philip Hammond’s first, and indeed last, Autumn Statement. Just what state are the country’s post-Brexit finances in, and crucially what would the Chancellor offer to help his much referenced ‘Jams’? In the end those ‘just about managing’ certainly received a few headline policies but with predictions pointing towards low growth, high borrowing and high inflation many argue Jam spending has been spread too thin. There were also some losers with those enjoying salary sacrifice perks and letting agents coming into the crosshairs, as well as in fact the Autumn Statement itself which will now be scrapped. So what will all this mean for the pound in your pocket? Georgie Frost joins editor Simon Lambert and reporter Becky Rutt to answer just that. Also on the agenda this week they discuss Black Friday and for a slightly different purchase the opportunity to buy a road legal Formula 1 car. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Scrambled Brexit with a side of Carney

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Scrambled Brexit with a side of Carney
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, presented in partnership with NS&I. This week all eyes have been on the unreliable boyfriend of banking Mark Carney. Just days after committing to another year in the job the Governor of the Bank of England was thrust into the limelight again for Super Thursday. Meanwhile the High Court ruled parliament must be given a vote on triggering Article 50 casting further speculation on Brexit, and indeed Carney’s role in overseeing it. At any rate the Bank of England’s forecasts did not make for easy listening. Despite some hints of future growth interest rates are set to remain at rock bottom whilst inflation is set to soar leaving many to question just where they can safely invest their money. Editor Simon Lambert and Deputy Editor Adrian Lowrey join Georgie Frost this week to work out what’s on offer also weighing up alternatives such as overpaying the mortgage and investing in premium bonds, which celebrate their 60th birthday this week. Also on this week’s show they look at calls for a Government crackdown on cold calling and the prospect of a post-work economy thanks to the rise of robots and automation. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert, Adrian Lowery


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Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Pounds, Property and Pensions

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Pounds, Property and Pensions
On this edition of This Is Money, Editor Simon Lambert and Personal Finance Editor Rachel Rickard-Strauss are in to talk more Brexit fall-out, of course; will Mark Carney’s reassuring tones be enough to steady the ship, as Sterling falls further than we've seen since Walter Mondale was a relevant cultural reference? We’ll also be looking at property fund lockouts, and why you should NEVER trust them with your pension. And stay tuned to the end as we have a rare win for the little guy, to the tune of £19 Billion! This is Money is presented in partnership with NS&I, and hosted by Georgie Frost.

Simon Lambert, Rachel Rickard-Straus

Georgie Frost

THIS IS MONEY 15/04/16 - Brexit fears, housing woes, and degree choices.

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

THIS IS MONEY 15/04/16 - Brexit fears, housing woes, and degree choices.
It's time once again for This is Money. Editor Simon Lambert and Consumer Affairs editor Lee Boyce join Georgie in the studio to discuss the biggest stories they've been looking at this week. On our show today; more Doom and Gloom over Brexit, this time it's the IMF piling on. Are you sure your bank account is secure? Well there's a number of very sophisticated scams going around, so stay alert. And then, we look at the most (and least) valuable subject choices at University. All this and more on This is Money, presented in partnership with NS&I.

Lee Boyce, Simon Lambert

Georgie Frost

This Is Money- Budget Breakdown

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money- Budget Breakdown
After Budget week, the award winning team looks at the George Osborne's budget in more detail and the new taxes that have been announced. Sugar tax, £1000 interest-free tax and the Northern Powerhouse are just a few topics the team will be discussing...

Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce


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