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Genre: Financial Education
Strand: Share Radio Evening Show
Presenter: Nick Peters
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Nick Peters

Shop Floor : Discrimination, learning programmes, Zero hour contracts and executive pay

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor : Discrimination, learning programmes, Zero hour contracts and executive pay
This week Nick spoke with Nick Tyrone of think tank Radix about their publication of proposals that tackle the ongoing discrimination women over 50 suffer in the workplace. Also Nick spoke with the founder and CEO of the Learning and Development company Towards Maturity Laura Overton discussing how she believes not enough companies are paying attention to deploying formal learning programmes for their people. Then Nick looks to New Zealand to investigate their unions campaigns against zero hours contracts. Speaking with Ben Patterson of Unite New Zealand he finds out how they fought the trend of Zero hour contracts in New Zealand. And finally Nick spoke with Ben Chu, the economics editor at the independent about data from the USA and the UK that demonstrates that even when predicated on performance, executive pay is effectively bulletproof.


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: The Bake has trekked off also adblocks may 'acceptable adverts' for you!

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: The Bake has trekked off also adblocks may 'acceptable adverts' for you!
In Marketing Watch this week Nick Started by speaking with Rick Hirst, CEO of one of Britain’s leading advertising agencies Carat, And questioned whether he thought Channel 4's accusation of the BBC's highly popular Great British Bake off was a huge risk. Then Nick spoke with Guy Phillipson, from the Internet Advertising Bureau about how Adblock Plus, will start allowing ads that it finds acceptable on your browser without your knowledge.

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Maternity discrimination, The Glass Wall, how people make businesses work & sick building syndrome

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Maternity discrimination, The Glass Wall, how people make businesses work & sick building syndrome
This week, Nick looks at how 54,000 women are still being forced out of their jobs after having a baby, talks to the authors of The Glass Wall, discusses the importance of people in business and discovers how your office might be making you sick.


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: The rise of in-house marketing, and an Australian's critique of UK marketers

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: The rise of in-house marketing, and an Australian's critique of UK marketers
Nick talks to Chris about the rise of in-house marketing departments and how they are having to create digital content ever more quickly in order to keep up with online audiences. And he hears from Ed, a native Australian who’s travelled the length and breadth of Britain in order to understand how companies just aren’t getting their marketing right.

Chris Daly, Ed Smith

Nick Peters

Hannah Maundrell, editor in chief at, on The News Review 30/08/16

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Hannah Maundrell, editor in chief at, on The News Review 30/08/16
Nick Peters is joined by Hannah Maundrell, editor in chief at Today they discuss the strength of Britain's bars and restaurants as consumer spending rises as well as the growing issue of debt amongst young people. Plus we find out why Croydon has been dubbed the "Silicon Valley of south London". All these stories and more on The News Review.

Hannah Maundrell

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Why brands need video, and eradicating those business cliches

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Why brands need video, and eradicating those business cliches
Nicola Mendelsohn, vice president for Facebook EMEA, said last week video content on Facebook is growing more quickly than the company ever anticipated – in one year, video views on Facebook have gone from one billion to 8 billion. And what goes for ordinary people goes double for brands. Nick discusses this with Moz, whose company offers brands and publishers their own video feeds. Plus, have you ever sat in business meetings playing BS Bingo? Ticking off all the clichés your colleagues around you are using? Hamish Thompson created the web site, where PRs can paste their copy and get it scanned for BS PR buzzwords.

Moz Dee, Hamish Thompson

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: The Marketing of Food and Bloggers

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: The Marketing of Food and Bloggers
Nick Peters focuses on the marketing of food with Arwa Mahdawi, writer and brand strategist, about the figure of Edward Bernays and his pioneering role in marketing which changed a nation’s diet. Nick and Paul Miller, of Vuelio, look at bloggers and how thousands are able to turn their talent into an income.

Arwa Mahdawi, Paul Miller

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: The Leadership Gap, Freelancers & Late Payments, and the Moaning Culture

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: The Leadership Gap, Freelancers & Late Payments, and the Moaning Culture
On this week's Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, Nick Peters looks at how Plant Manager John Reid saved Michelin plant in Dundee from failing. Grant Jamieson, MD of Winkworth Machinery, explains why there is a large leadership gap in the manufacturing industry, while Martin Campbell of Credit HQ discusses their recent survey on how much difficulty late payment can cause to small businesses. Finally, Mike Beesley, RSG’s Managing Director, explains how dangerous it can be to let a moaning culture develop in the workplace.

John Reid, Grant Jamieson, Martin Campbell, Mike Beesley


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, Unnecessary Admin and Working Environments

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, Unnecessary Admin and Working Environments
Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, opens with an insight into the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering. Lord John Browne, QE Prize Trustees and former Chief Executive of BP, explains what the award represents for the profession and why there needs to be a social change to encourage children to become engineers. Neil Pickering, Industry and Customer Insight Manager at Kronos, analyses how British businesses can avoid wasting over £60 billion a year on unnecessary admin, while Leeson Medhurst, Head of Workplace Consultancy at 360 Workplace, explains why office space can affect a company's productivity.

Lord John Browne, Neil Pickering, Paul Jackson, Leeson Medhurst


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Business and Middle Management

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Business and Middle Management
This week's Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, focuses on the expanding world of business and how it affects its employees. Nick Peters also looks at the pressures of middle management and why BAME workers with degrees are more likely to be unemployed than white workers. Nick is joined by Douglas Rushkoff, Professor of Media Theory and Digital Economics at City University New York; Penny de Valk, Managing Director Penna Talent Practice; Natasha Owusu, from the TUC, and Maxine Hurley, Member Engagement Manager at ENEI.

Douglas Rushkoff, Penny de Valk, Natasha Owusu, Maxine Hurley


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