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Georgie Frost

Hells Bells, it's This Is Money!

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

Hells Bells, it's This Is Money!
It's time again for This Is Money, Editor Simon Lambert and Development Editor Rich Browning join Georgie to talk through the hottest stories coming from the award-winning finance website. Top on everyone's minds is the passing of Prince, but thoughts turn as well to a sticky problem, when can a music fan demand money back if the bands line-up changes? Also, we take a long hard look at property, Simon confesses an old love, and a new device protects againt card skimming. This is Money is presented with NS and I.

Simon Lambert, Richard Browning

Georgie Frost

This Is Money

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money
The team from this is money, the award winning financial website, are back in the studio with Georgie for their weekly catch up. This week they take a look at: the UK's relationship with the EU; robots on the rise in the workplace; the likelihood of young people having to work up until they die; and haggling for you insurance.


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