Share Sounds. related to Investing in Funds - Investment Trusts

Podcast Directory

Genre: Investing in Funds / Topic: Investment Trusts
Strand: Investment Perspectives
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Georgie Frost

This is Money: Is the FTSE run all bull?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

This is Money: Is the FTSE run all bull?
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, brought to you in partnership with NS&I. With world stock markets continuing to surge despite global uncertainty this week we’re asking if the FTSE could really break the 10,000 barrier by the end of the year. Examining the views of some of the world’s biggest investors from Warren Buffett to Neil Woodford Georgie Frost is joined by Editor Simon Lambert and Consumer Affairs Editor Lee Boyce. Also on this weeks show we look at a few backfires for the Government lately as many banks prove reluctant to roll out its Lifetime Isa whilst it continues to steam ahead with record hikes in probate fees despite only 2% support. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce


In partnership with

Simon Rose

The Investment Trust Show: Emerging market investment trusts

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

The Investment Trust Show: Emerging market investment trusts
"The Investment Trust Show", brought to you in association with Henderson Global Investors. Each week we explore the main features, factors and developments affecting investment trusts. This week we looked at emerging market investment trusts. Share Radio's Simon Rose was joined by Sam Vecht, Manager of the BlackRock Frontiers Trust and the Blackrock Emerging Europe Trust, and Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher.

Sam Vecht, Ed Bowsher


The Motley Fool Money Show: investing under a Donald Trump presidency

Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

The Motley Fool Money Show: investing under a Donald Trump presidency
Want to keep up with the latest earnings updates from the States? We join Chris Hill and the Motley Fool Radio Show team here on Share Radio - direct from Washington DC - each Monday at 6 o'clock for news, views and analysis of US finance. On today's episode: how to approach investing under Donald Trump's presidency and the value investing method

Simon Rose

The Investment Trust Show: Investing for income

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

The Investment Trust Show: Investing for income
"The Investment Trust Show", brought to you in association with Henderson Global Investors. Each week we explore the main features, factors and developments affecting investment trusts. This week we're going to be looking at using investment trusts to invest for income. To do so, Share Radio's Simon Rose was joined on the phone by Alan Borrows from the Seneca Global Income & Growth Trust and Simon Elliot, Head of Research at Winterflood. Also with Simon, as ever, was Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher.

Ed Bowsher, Simon Elliott, Alan Borrows

Simon Rose

The Investment Trust Show: Record breaking trusts

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

The Investment Trust Show: Record breaking trusts
This is "The Investment Trust Show", brought to you in association with Henderson Global Investors. Each week we explore the main features, factors and developments affecting investment trusts. This week we looked at a couple of income-related topics connected to investment trusts. Share Radio's Simon Rose was joined by Dice McCairn, Editor, as well as Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher.

Dick McCairn, Ed Bowsher

Glen Goodman

The Investment Trust Show: The Issue of Risk

Glen Goodman
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

The Investment Trust Show: The Issue of Risk
"The Investment Trust Show" brought to you in association with Henderson Global Investors. Each week we explore the main features, factors and developments affecting investment trusts. This week we'll be taking a look at the rather critical issue of risk. And to do that, I'm joined in the by Martin Bamford from Informed Choice and Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher.

Simon Rose

The Investment Trust Show - A look inside John Baron's portfolio

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

The Investment Trust Show - A look inside John Baron's portfolio
Time for our regular weekly programme "The Investment Trust Show" brought to you in association with Henderson Global Investors. Each week we explore the main features, factors and developments affecting investment trusts. This week we took a look inside the portfolio's of investment trust specialist John Baron. Share Radio's Simon Rose was joined in the studio by John Baron and Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher.

John Baron, Ed Bowsher

Simon Rose

The Investment Trust Show: a look into F&C Managed Portfolio Trust

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

The Investment Trust Show:  a look into F&C Managed Portfolio Trust
Our regular weekly programme "The Investment Trust Show" brought to you in association with Henderson Global Investors. Each week we explore the main features, factors and developments affecting investment trusts. This week we'll be taking a look at another rather unusual fund, the F&C Managed Portfolio Trust. Share Radio's Simon Rose was joined in the studio by its manager Peter Hewitt and Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher.

Peter Hewitt, Ed Bowsher

Robyn Dwyer

The Apprentice Investor: An update on the portfolios of Share Radio's Apprentices

Robyn Dwyer
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

The Apprentice Investor: An update on the portfolios of Share Radio's Apprentices
Regular listeners to the show will know that our Apprentices are five members of the Share Radio team who've each been given fifteen thousand pounds of virtual money to build their own share portfolios. They have a minimum of eight stocks, which they've been buying and selling through The Share Centre. Apprentices Matt Cox and Alexi Phillips have joined me in the studio and standing by with advice and useful observations is Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher.

Sarah Lowther

Tony Smedley of Schroder European Real Estate Investement Trust on their full year results

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Tony Smedley of Schroder European Real Estate Investement Trust on their full year results
The Schroder European Real Estate Investment Trust was launched a year ago. It targets growth regions in Continental Europe and aims to provide a regular and attractive level of income together with the potential for long-term income and capital growth. Tony Smedley, Investment Manager & Head of Continental Europe, joined Share Radio to discuss their latest full year results.

Chris Bailey, Tony Smedley
