Share Sounds. presented by Ed Mitchell related to Investing in Funds

Podcast Directory

Genre: Investing in Funds
Strand: Share Radio Evening Show
Presenter: Ed Mitchell
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Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: What might Brexit mean for fund managers? Featuring Simon Elliot of Winterflood & Ed Bowsher

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: What might Brexit mean for fund managers? Featuring Simon Elliot of Winterflood & Ed Bowsher
The Investment Trust Show: What might Brexit mean for fund managers? Featuring Simon Elliot of Winterflood & Ed Bowsher


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors
Ed Mitchell

David Thornton of Growth Company Investor talks investing in small caps

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

Small Cap Investors

David Thornton of Growth Company Investor talks investing in small caps
Time now for our regular focus on investing in the shares of smaller companies. Ed Mitchell of Investment Perspectives is joined by David Thornton, Editor of Growth Company Investor

Ed Mitchell

Richard Buxton - head of UK equities at Old Mutual Global Investors talks macroeconomic woes & more

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

Small Cap Investors

Richard Buxton - head of UK equities at Old Mutual Global Investors talks macroeconomic woes & more
Morningstar, the investment research and investment management firm are this week, holding their annual Investment Conference. Share Radio's Alexi Phillips went along to the conference and spoke to Richard Buxton, head of UK equities at Old Mutual Global Investors. He began by asking Mr. Buxton about the prevailing macro-economic issues that are troubling him.

Ed Mitchell

Helal Miah of the Share Centre on this week’s corporate stories and his view on the week ahead in business

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Week Ahead

Helal Miah of the Share Centre on this week’s corporate stories and his view on the week ahead in business
Helal Miah, Investment Research Analyst at the Share Centre joins Ed Mitchell on the line to discuss the latest business stories and a preview of next week – today’s chat includes BP, GSK, Lloyds, WPP, with the forward look being on Shell, BT & much more.

Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: Featuring Rory Stokes of TR European Growth Trust PLC & Share Radio’s Ed Bowsher

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: Featuring Rory Stokes of TR European Growth Trust PLC & Share Radio’s Ed Bowsher
This is our regular Investment Trust Show in association with Henderson Global Investors. Each week, we discuss the major issues, factors and news that impact on Investment Trusts. In this weeks edition we'll be focusing on investing in Europe. Joining Ed Mitchell of Investment Perspectives in the studio are Rory Stokes, Assistant Fund manager at T-R European Growth Trust PLC and Share Raido's Senior Analyst, Ed Bowsher.


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors
Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: Featuring Lord Flight, James de Sausmarez & Ed Bowsher

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show: Featuring Lord Flight, James de Sausmarez & Ed Bowsher
This is the Investment Trust show in association with Henderson Global Investors, this week, Lord Flight, non-executive chairman of the Aurora Investment Trust, James de Sausmarez, Director and Head of Investment Trusts at Henderson and Share Radio Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher will be helping Ed Mitchell look at the role of directors on an investment trust, board.


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors
Ed Mitchell

Alex Cobham of the Tax Justice Network discusses the EU Commission's plans to clamp down on tax avoidance

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

Ed's Macro-Economic View

Alex Cobham of the Tax Justice Network discusses the EU Commission's plans to clamp down on tax avoidance
Investment Perspectives: In the wake of the Panama Papers revelations, The European Commission recently announced it would be taking steps to increase tax transparency, and crack down on off-shore havens. Under new proposals revealed on April 12th, the Commission will be putting forward legislation, requiring firms operating in Europe with sales of over £600m to publish details of how much they earn and how much tax they pay on a country-by-country basis. To offer his analysis of the proposals, Ed Mitchell from Investment Perspectives is joined by Alex Cobham, Director of Research at the Tax Justice Network.

Ed Mitchell

Henry Lowson, UK fund manager at Axa Framlington discusses the merits of investing in small caps

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

Small Cap Investors

Henry Lowson, UK fund manager at Axa Framlington discusses the merits of investing in small caps
Investment Perspectives: This is Share Radio's regular look at investing in smaller companies, either directly or indirectly through a fund managed by a full time professional manager. Ed Mitchell's guest today in the studio is Henry Lowson, UK fund manager at Axa Framlington where he has managed the Axa Framlington UK smaller companies fund since may 2012.

Ed Mitchell

Ian Forrest, Investment Research Analyst at the Share Centre talks business news - M&S, Barclays, the Fed minutes and Easyjet + more

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Week Ahead

Ian Forrest, Investment Research Analyst at the Share Centre talks business news - M&S, Barclays, the Fed minutes and Easyjet + more
Ian Forrest, Investment Research Analyst joins Ed Mitchell of Investment Perspectives to give his take on corporate stories throughout this week, as well as looking forward to the week ahead.

Ian Forrest

Ed Mitchell

The Investment Trust Show: UK equity income with Thomas Moore, Job Curtis & Ed Bowsher

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

The Investment Trust Show

The Investment Trust Show:  UK equity income with Thomas Moore, Job Curtis & Ed Bowsher
This is the Investment Trust Show in association with Henderson Global Investors. Each week we explore the main features, factors and developments that underpin and affect investment trusts. This week the focus is on UK equity income Joining Ed Mitchell of Investment Perspectives in the studio today are Thomas Moore, Manager - Standard Life Equity Income Trust, Job Curtis - The City of London Investment Trust & Ed Bowsher, Share Radio’s Senior Analyst.


In partnership with

Henderson Global Investors