Share Sounds. from The Hypnotist presented by Adam Cox related to Mindfulness - Mindfulness Topic

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Genre: Mindfulness / Topic: Mindfulness Topic
Strand: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells
Programme: The Hypnotist
Presenter: Adam Cox
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Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Abundance

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Abundance
For many people, finding a balanced attitude to money is not a simple process: the extremes of abundance and scarcity, the 'haves' and the 'have nots', seem to be always with us. From a physical perspective, Share Radio's proposals for egalitarian capitalism go a long way to providing answers. However the mind struggles with these polar opposites of abundance and scarcity and tends to generate a level of anxiety which can be addressed; this episode is designed to achieve to help with this.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: The Power to Make Healthy Choices

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: The Power to Make Healthy Choices
This episode may on the surface be about eating, but it's also about how we make choices generally, because habits can steer our actions in many ways. If you feel you don't have any choices, you're effectively on auto-pilot. If you make two choices in your mind, you're potentially on the horns of a dilemma. But with three choices, there appear to be lots of options, and you can discern the best way forward. So try disrupting your normal pattern - the hypnotists call it 'pattern interrupting'.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Regression for Parents

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Regression for Parents
Imagine if we could look back at past events within our lifetime - that's the theme of the movie 'Reminiscence', where technology enables such experiences; for parents that may provide a helpful way to re-visit memories linked to emotions. Adam Cox explores the use of hypnosis to enable us to re-connect with moments in the life of a child.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Financial Future of Security

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Financial Future of Security
A yearning for financial security has been a feature of human life for millenia: both creating it and keeping it is a challenge. Adam Cox explores these anxieties and the value of planning ahead, preparing and doing 'due diligence' to reduce risk. But the key thing is to come to terms with the changes and chances of life: 'Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these'.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Monophobia ..

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Monophobia ..
.. means the fear of being alone, and can be rooted in early family years. Adam Cox suggests this episode for those who want to build their confidence and move away from a yearning for dependency. It may also help people who have recently been bereaved.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Fear of rodents

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Fear of rodents
Rats induce fear and symbolise greed. Phobias are brought on by all sorts of things and people: this episode focuses on rodents. People apply a variety of coping strategies to deal with anxieties, and Adam Cox uses a technique called 'Staged Disassociation' to help provide a more effective approach to particularly challenging situations. Can there be a future without phobias? Please listen, and decide for yourself.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Procrastination.

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Procrastination.
Our approach to dealing with money matters is often shaped by the examples set by our parents, which in some cases we may replicate and in others we react against. Adam Cox helps to untangle these experiences and, in so doing, tackles the challenge of procrastination - when things are put into the 'too difficult to resolve' box. He introduces another perspective, that of the utility cost of doing nothing. If you find yourself struggling to determine the best way forward, this episode could be for you.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Hypnosis to Handle Stress

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Hypnosis to Handle Stress
Emotions can be stirred by memories from the past or anxiety for the future - they're not just in the present. This short episode uses the metaphor of a boat on the water, where your emotions are represented by the waves: sometimes pleasurable, sometimes unsettling. However just like the waves, our emotions are all temporary, and we have the capacity to handle them.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Restoring Self Belief

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Restoring Self Belief
Adam Cox takes an in-depth look at attitude to risk, recognising that undue caution can undermine confidence and hold you back from taking opportunities. In particular, moving away from steady, paid employment can present a major challenge to people's search for fulfillment: but is staying put when you feel the need to move on based on a rational risk assessment? Adam suggests exploring a different approach to discernment: either you win or you learn.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: The Psychological Levels of Weight Loss

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: The Psychological Levels of Weight Loss
Adam Cox challenges the linked issues of emotional and weight fluctuation to rebuild a sense of purpose and increasing confidence, showing how role models can play an important part in re-discovering stability and encouraging healthy choices
